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Clinical Immunology

Code 13512
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Biomedical Sciences
Entry requirements N/A
Mode of delivery Face-to-face
Work placements Not applicable.
Learning outcomes (1) To analyze the most relevant aspects of the structure, dynamics and functions of the immune system in humans.
(2) To stimulate critical thinking about research in Clinical Immunology.
(3) To acknowledge the progress and limitations of Clinical Immunology.

At the end of this curricular unit, the students should be capable of:
(1) Integrating and applying knowledge from basic immunopathology in the field of Clinical Immunology.
(2) Applying the principles of clinical and laboratory diagnosis of immunologically mediated diseases.
(3) Analyzing the basic principles of therapeutic intervention in the Clinical Immunology.
(4) Performing critical analysis of research studies in Clinical Immunology.
(5) Creating research projects in Clinical Immunology.
Syllabus 1. BASIC CONCEPTS IN IMMUNOLOGY (I). Cells and Organs. Innate and Adaptive Immunity.
2. BASIC CONCEPTS IN IMMUNOLOGY (II). Antigen Recognition and Response.
3. HYPERSENSITIVITIES. Types. Immunopathology. Clinical Cases, Immunotherapy and Corticotherapy.
4. ALLERGIES. Generalities of Allergic Diseases. Clinical Cases. Diagnostic Techniques
5. TOLERANCE. Central and Peripheral Tolerance. Mechanisms of Maintenance and Breakdown of Tolerance.
6. AUTOIMMUNITY. Autoimmune Diseases: Immunopathological Aspects. Diagnostic Techniques.
7. TUMOR IMMUNOLOGY (I). Characteristics of Tumors. Tumor Antigens. Escape Mechanisms of Tumors.
8. TUMOR IMMUNOLOGY (II). Immunological response to tumors. Anti-Tumor Immunotherapies.
9. INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND VACCINES. Viral infections. Bacterial Infections. Parasitic Infections. Vaccination.
10. IMMUNODEFICIENCIES. Primary and secondary immunodeficiencies.
1. Kuby Immunology, 8th Edition (2019). W.H. Freeman.

Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria
853 / 5 000
Classical lectures, flipped classroom lectures and interactive seminars. Preparation of research project proposals written by students.

1) Theoretical Assessment (AT, 16 points, 80%). Includes:
2) Theoretical-Practical Assessment (ATP, 4 points, 20%).

FINAL GRADE = AT x 0.8 + ATP x 0.2

FINAL GRADE = AT (average of 2 tests)

Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2025-01-09

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