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Biomedical Sciences

 2nd Cycle Degree     Departamento de Ciências Médicas [Portuguese]

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Study plan   Biomedical Sciences

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Vacancies 45 (2024)


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Profile of the programme The master degree in Biomedical Sciences of UBI offers to their students the access to an advanced training in this field of knowledge. The main educational and professional objectives of the master in Biomedical Sciences (MCB) are:

- Consolidate the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the first cycle of studies.
- Offer students an interdisciplinary training in the fields of biology, biochemistry, engineering, physics and management, enabling their integration into the national and international job market.
- Stimulate students to do a self-learning process, improve their critical spirit and to be aware of being adapted to new technologies in the area of life sciences, empowering their integration in development and research teams.
- Give students the skills necessary for their entrance in a 3rd cycle of studies in life sciences or other related fields.
Key learning outcomes At the end of this 2nd cycle the student should be able to:

General skills:

1. Evaluate and solve problems within the framework of the activities of Biomedical Sciences, adopting a critical attitude.
2. Make decisions and leadership.
3. Contribute to a high culture quality.
4. Become a member of a management and marketing teams.
5. Contribute for the development, maintenance, and optimization of equipments used in hospital environment.
6. Integrate multidisciplinary work teams.
7. Find, treat, organize and convey information in its area of intervention.
8. Develop interpersonal relationship skills, taking into account the socio-cultural context where he is pursuing his professional activity.
9. Know and apply the ethical principles inherent to their professional positions.
10. Recognize its limitations and the need to keep their professional skills up-to-date, paying special attention to self-learning of new knowledge based on scientific data available.
11. Collect, systematize, organize and discuss information about a specific subject.
12. Be accepted in national and international PhD programs.
13. Communicate orally and know to write technical documents for audiences consisting of scientific specialists/non-specialists in their field of training.
14. Learn and work independently.

Specific skills:

Technical support in clinical environment

- Apply the correct standards of conservation and storage supplies needed for the operation of certain equipment used in health care centers.
- Participate in the selection, acquisition, monitoring, and maintenance process of certain diagnostic equipments.


- Establish a bridge between multidisciplinary teams involved in the audit, development, quality certification and process optimization in the industry.


- Coordinate the design, production, analysis and control of new devices for biological uses.
- Organize the scientific-technical information for submission to the regulatory authorities, in order to certify new products for marketing.
- Take part in the design and evaluation of pre-clinical tests and clinical trials

Education and research

- Disseminate scientific knowledge
- Integrate pre- and postgraduate degree training teams
- Be involved in basic and translational research projects as well as in the technological development of new medical devices.
- Promote knowledge transfer between Universities and industries.
- Manipulate biological samples of various origins and chemicals in accordance with the rules of safety and good laboratory practice.
Occupational profiles of graduates The advanced training in life sciences will allow the holders of a master's degree in Biomedical Sciences, by UBI, to perform tasks in many different areas, mainly in Hospitals and medical centers, research and development facilities, diagnostic Centres, businesses, Universities and other educational institutions.
The MCB possesses the necessary skills to integrate multidisciplinary teams, specialised in the design, development, certification, maintenance, and commercial support of new equipment used in biomedicine.
Furthermore, these professionals are also able to develop scientific research in multidisciplinary areas of biological, medical sciences and engineering.
Learning facilities The 2nd cycle in Biomedical Sciences is supervised by Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde (FCS) and it proper functioning is assured by a close collaboration between the Department of medical sciences, physics and electromechanical engineering. The facilities required for this course are available at different poles of the University. Students have at their disposal tutoring rooms (equipped with video projection systems), self-learning rooms equipped with computer. Pathology, biochemistry, electromechanical engineering, electronics, physics, physiology, genetics, histology, Skills, electron microscopy, NMR labs and multiple libraries, with access to different bibliographic online databases, are available. In the 2nd year of their master's degree, the students may have access to animal facility and Research Centers at the University.
UBI offers bars with catering services and several residences for student accomodation.
Requirements and regulations (assessment and graduation) UBI Regulations [PT]

Erasmus+ Agreements

Erasmus Agreements
  • Yozgat Bozok University • Turquia • Duration: S
  • Universitat de Lleida • Espanha • Duration: A
  • Universitat Internacional de Catalunya • Espanha • Duration: S
  • University of Cantabria • Espanha • Duration: A
  • University of Bergamo • Itália • Duration: S
  • University of Rzeszów • Polónia • Duration: S
  • Czestochowa University of Technology • Polónia • Duration: S • Get Agreement

Departamento de Ciências Médicas

Avenida Infante D. Henrique
6200-506 Covilhã
275 329 002
275 329 003

Course Coordinator(s)

 [Ficheiro Local]
Course Director
Carla Sofia Pais Fonseca
 [Ficheiro Local]
Mobility coordinator
Mafalda Fonseca


Scientific Committee
Carla Sofia Pais Fonseca
Ana Cristina Palmeira Oliveira
Ana Isabel Antunes Dias Rodrigues Gouveia
Ana Mafalda Loureiro Fonseca
Branca Maria Cardoso Monteiro da Silva
Ilídio Joaquim Sobreira Correia
Isabel Maria Theriaga Mendes Varanda Gonçalves
Jorge Manuel Maia Pereira
Luís Carlos Carvalho Pires

Pedagogical Coordination Committee
Carla Sofia Pais Fonseca
Year Coordinators
Branca Maria Cardoso Monteiro da Silva (1st)
Isabel Maria Theriaga Mendes Varanda Gonçalves (2nd)
Year Representatives
Mariana Sofia Ferreira Brardo Ferreira (1st)
Lucile Bonneau (2nd)

Recognition Committee
Carla Sofia Pais Fonseca
Ana Mafalda Loureiro Fonseca
Jorge Manuel Maia Pereira
Luís Carlos Carvalho Pires
Note: The information contained in these pages does not relieve consultation of official documents. Last updated on: 2014-08-07

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