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Research Methods

Code 13531
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Biomedical Sciences
Entry requirements Not applicable
Mode of delivery Face-to-face
Work placements Not applicable.
Learning outcomes 1) To analyse the main foundations of scientific thought and its forms of application;
2) To critically analyse the main aspects of the different methodologies used in the area of Health Sciences;
3) To critically analyse the main aspects of the different methodologies used in clinical trials;
4) To built a proposal for a research project.
Syllabus 1. Introduction to scientific thinking.
2. Methods of investigation.
3. Biomedical research.
4. Clinical research.
5. Translational Research.
6. Epidemiology and epidemiological research (I,II, III).
7. Clinical trials.
8. Multiprofessional Teams.
9. International research networks.
Main Bibliography 1. Fonseca CB, et al. Investigação passo a passo. Perguntas e respostas para a investigação clínica. APMCG 2008.
2. Bernard C. Introdução à medicina experimental (M. J. Marinho, Trans.)(1978); Guimarães Editores.
3. Margarida Pocinho. Metodologia de investigação e comunicação de conhecimento científico. (2012); LIDEL; ISBN: 978-972-757-916-7.
4. Nunes ML. Epidemiologia (algo) básica – uma espécie de sebenta. (2015) CM Castelo Branco.
5. Wang D, Bakhai A. Clinical trials. A practical guide to design, analysis, and reporting. (2006); REMEDICA; ISBN-10: 1-901346-72-2.
6. Documents on Clinical Trials and Epidemiological studies, which will be supplied to students.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Interactive, theoretical-practical sessions / tutorials.
- lectures
- discussions of scientific articles and case studies
- presentation and discussion of research projects

Assessment criteria - Version A
- Theoretical assessment component (AT) (mean of scores for two tests or final exam) - 50%
- Continuous assessment component (AC) - 50%
- Participation in tutorials (PA) - 60%
- Presentation and discussion of proposal of research project (API) -40%

Versão B – for part-time students (worker-student status)
Nota Mark = AT x 0.6 + API x 0.4
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-11-29

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