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Biochemistry for Sport Science

Code 13758
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 4
Workload TP(30H)
Scientific area Sports Sciences
Entry requirements not apllicable
Mode of delivery Theory and practical Classroom sessions (attendance)
Work placements Does not apply
Learning outcomes The main objective of this Course is to enable students with the necessary knowledge on biological architecture
of the human body and major biochemical mechanisms occurring at rest and during sport activities.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course the student should be able to
- Describe the cellular organization and its importance in cellular function
- Demonstrate understanding of the structures of biomolecules and their importance
¬ Describe the major types of biochemical reactions
- Demonstrate understanding the importance and the functioning of enzymatic reactions
- Demonstrate understanding of the cellular bioenergetics process
Syllabus Chapter 1. Architecture of living systems
1.1. Elements, molecules and cells
1.2. The cell membrane - current perspective
1.3. Molecular transport across the cell membrane
1.4. Regulation of cell functions
1.5. Tissue Formation
1.6. Features of different organic tissues
1.7. Organs and systems
Chapter 2. Basic Principles of Biochemistry
2.1. Acid-base reactions
2.2. Oxidation-reduction reactions
2.3. Enzymatic reactions
2.3.1. Structure and functioning of the enzymes
2.3.2. Rates of enzymatic reactions
2.3.3. Regulation of enzyme activity
Chapter 3. Bioenergetics
3.1. Energy needs of the musculoskeletal system on exercise
3.2. High-energy phosphates
3.3. Energy Nutrients: carbohydrates and lipids
3.4. Metabolic energy systems
3.5. Metabolic energy of carbohydrates
3.6. Metabolic energy of lipids
3.7. Regulation of metabolic energy systems in exercise
Main Bibliography - Gomes, A., Esteves, D., & Brás, R. (2020). Bioquímica aplicada ao Desporto. Sebenta de estudo. Departamento de Ciências do Desporto, Universidade da Beira Interior.
- Bioquímica : organização molecular da vida / coordenação [de] Alexandre Quintas, Ana Ponces Freire, Manuel J. Halpern Publicação Lisboa : Lidel - Edições Técnicas, 2008
- Luís S. Campos, Entender a Bioquímica, 5ª Edição, Escolar Editora, 2009.
- Tiidus, P.A., Tupling, R. & Houston, M. (2012) Biochemistry Primer for Exercise Science-4th Edition.
Ed. Human Kinetics
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The typology of classes is theoretical and practical, with an exposition of the main contents by the teacher and with practical records of application and consolidation of the contents presented.
It is intended to create a participatory and motivational teaching-learning process, often using multimedia elements to illustrate biochemical reactions or cellular functioning.
The material to be dealt with in each contact session will be made available to the students with the "Problem Learn Solving" methodology - ie, a problem is posed and throughout the class the theoretical contents will be approached, which, after being understood, allow the student to solve the problem. initial problem
The Assessment will include the preparation of worksheets, where the students will show the ability to solve problems / practical questions of the programmatic contents and also of written tests
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-09-13

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