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  4. Design of Digital Games II

Design of Digital Games II

Code 13827
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload PL(30H)/TP(30H)
Scientific area Game Design
Entry requirements None.
Mode of delivery Presential
Work placements Internship not applicable
Learning outcomes - Present the foundations of game and game design concept
- Introduce game designer role and its importance within game development process
- Understand team structure for game development projects
- Present and discuss methods and artefacts for game design domain
- Conceive, plan and prototype a game
- Present relevant themes within game design state of the art
Syllabus MODULE 1. Foundations in game design: this module aims to introduce students to the basic concepts pertinent to the field of videogames, namely: definition of the concept of game, game as experience with meaning, structure of a video game project and role of game designer.
MODULE 2. Conceptualization and prototyping of a game: in this module will be presented the most important components in a Game Design document as well as the creative and prototyping methods to develop them.
MODULE 3. Level Design: Introduction to the fundamental elements in the definition of a level. Types of organization of the space in videogames. Tools for composition of maps and sequence of levels for videogames.
Main Bibliography Salen, K., & Zimmerman, E. (2004). Rules of play: Game design fundamentals. MIT press.

Rogers, S. (2014). Level Up! The guide to great video game design. John Wiley & Sons.

Fullerton, T. (2014). Game design workshop: a playcentric approach to creating innovative games. CRC press.

Koster, R. (2013). Theory of fun for game design. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".

Schell, J. (2014). The Art of Game Design: A book of lenses. CRC Press.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-14

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