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Business Innovation

Code 13966
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 7,5
Workload TP(30H)
Scientific area Management
Entry requirements No
Mode of delivery The sessions are of theoretical and practical and the program is intended as a whole to reflect on the issues while empowering students with solid knowledge of the major theoretical-practical fundamentals. The first chapter introduces the fundamental concepts of innovation: concepts, typologies, historical approaches and approaches of reference on business innovation. In the second part of the program to introduce the main components of research into innovation and training students to communicate and disseminate the results of their research joint the academic community.
Work placements NA
Learning outcomes Transmit in-depth scientific knowledge on various themes of business innovation. It is intended to foster the conduction of research on topics of business innovation taking into account present and future trends in this field of research. In this way students will be able to reflect on their research interests, namely as regards their relevance and relevance. Competences to be acquired by the student: i) Critical and analytical analysis of the scientific literature on innovation; ii) Identify the contributions of the main authors in the areas of innovation; iii) Develop quality scientific research with autonomy and originality in the areas of innovation; iv) Analyze and reflect on public policies supporting innovation and their impact on organizations and territories; v) Present the results and implications of scientific research to the academic community and society at large, contributing to scientific progress.
1. Historical perspective on innovation
2. Current Approaches to Innovation
1. Innovation Management and Innovative Capacity
2. Service Innovation
3. Innovation Systems
4. Technology Transfer and Innovation
5. Open Innovation
6. Sustainability and Innovation
7. Support policies and foster innovation
Main Bibliography Asheim, B.; Cooke, P. and Martin, R. (2006): Clusters and Regional Development: Critical reflections and explorations, Routledge.

Fagerberg, Jan; Mowery, David C. and Nelson Richard R., (2005): The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Fernandes, C. and Ferreira, J. (2015). Inovação e empreendedorismo no sector do serviços. Idioteque, Santo Tirso.

Ferreira, J.; Raposo, M.; Fernandes, C. and Dejardin, M. (2016). Knowledge Intensive Business Services and Regional Competitiveness, Edited by Routledge.( ISBN: 978-1-13-88596-4)

Lundvall, B. A. (Ed.) (1992): National Systems of Innovation: Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning, Printer, London.

Nelson, R. R. (1993): “National Systems Of Innovation: A Comparative Analysis”, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

OECD (2005): “OSLO Manual: Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation Data”, Paris, France.

Rothwell, R. e Dodgson M. (Eds.) (1994): The Handbook of Industrial Innovation, Edward Elgar Publishing Company, UK.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2023-11-22

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