Main Bibliography |
Asheim, B.; Cooke, P. and Martin, R. (2006): Clusters and Regional Development: Critical reflections and explorations, Routledge.
Fagerberg, Jan; Mowery, David C. and Nelson Richard R., (2005): The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Fernandes, C. and Ferreira, J. (2015). Inovação e empreendedorismo no sector do serviços. Idioteque, Santo Tirso.
Ferreira, J.; Raposo, M.; Fernandes, C. and Dejardin, M. (2016). Knowledge Intensive Business Services and Regional Competitiveness, Edited by Routledge.( ISBN: 978-1-13-88596-4)
Lundvall, B. A. (Ed.) (1992): National Systems of Innovation: Towards a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning, Printer, London.
Nelson, R. R. (1993): “National Systems Of Innovation: A Comparative Analysis”, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
OECD (2005): “OSLO Manual: Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation Data”, Paris, France.
Rothwell, R. e Dodgson M. (Eds.) (1994): The Handbook of Industrial Innovation, Edward Elgar Publishing Company, UK.