Learning outcomes |
The overall objective of UC is to analyze the impact that financial decisions are taken for the various stakeholders of the company. i) Provide the students with analytical skills and decision-making in areas within the financial policy of companies, in general, and SMEs in particular. ii) Analyze the impact of financial decisions in the context of the capital structure and dividends decisions; iii) Identify the major theories of ownership and corporate governance; iv) Develop practices of research and for obtaining information; v) Developing autonomy in research, through the development of research, to be appreciated by students, teachers, and academic community in general, seeking the submission to conferences and journals.
Main Bibliography |
BODIE, Z. e MERTON, R. (2000) “Finance”, Prentice-Hall. BREALEY, R. A. e MYERS, S. C. (2008). Principles of Corporate Finance, 9ª edição. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. CONSTANTINIDES, G., HARRIS, M. e STULZ, R. (2003) “Corporate Finance”, Elsevier, North Holland. DAMODARAN, A. (2001) “Corporate Finance - Theory and Practice”, John Wikey and Sons Inc. GRINBLATT, M. e TITMAN, S. (2002) Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy, 2.ª Edição, Irving-McGraw-HILL. RAPPAPORT, A. (1999) Creating Shareholder Value: A Guide for Managers and Investors, Amazon. ROSS, S. A., WESTERFIELD, R. W., e JAFFE, J. (2004) Corporate Finance, 6ª Edição, Irwin/ McGraw-Hill. SHARPE, W. F.; GORDON J. A. e JEFFER, Y V. B. (2004) “Investments” 7th ed., Upper Saddle River, Prentice- Hall. Tirole, J. (2006) The Theory of Corporate Finance, Princeton University Press, New Jersey .