Main Bibliography |
SMITH M., (2015) Research Methods in Accounting, third Edition, Sage, LA. MACINTOSH N. e QUATTRONE P. (2010), Management Accounting and Control Systems – An Organizational and Sociological Approach, Wiley. MAJOR M. e VIEIRA R. (org.) (2009), “Contabilidade e Controlo de Gestão – Teoria, Metodologia e Prática”, Escolar Editora. RANKIN M., STANTON P., McGOWAN S., FERLAUTO K. & TILLING M., (2012) Contemporary issues in Accounting, John Wiley & Sons Australia, lda. RYAN B., SCAPENS R.W. e THEOBALD M., (2002), Research Method and Methodology in Finance and Accounting, 2nd edition, Thomson. MATTESSICH R., (1995), Critique of Accounting – Examination of the Foundations and Normative structure of an Applied Discipline, Quorum Books, London.