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Operational Research

Code 13998
Year 3
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Mathematics
Entry requirements Linear Algebra
Learning outcomes Main objectives
This curricular unit aims at introducing the Operations Research methodology and its most relevant techniques that allow for problem solving capabilities in Management, Economy and Enginering contexts.

The student should be able to:

1. Identify the structure of a decision/optimization problem;

2. Build optimization models;

3. Use algorithms that allow for finding the optimal solution to those models;

4. Use the obtained information in order to enhance operations.
Syllabus 1. Introduction
2. Linear Programming
2.1 The general problem of linear programming;
2.2 Graphical representation;
2.3 Standard Form of Linear Programming problem;
2.4 Fundamental concepts.
3. Linear Programming - Simplex Algorithm
3.1 Primal Simplex Algorithm;
2.3 Techniques artificial bases;
3.3 Duality;
3.4 Dual Simplex Algorithm;
3.5 Economic Interpretation.
4. Reoptimizationin in Linear Programming
4.1 Sensitivity Analysis;
4.2 Parametric Analysis.
5. Particular cases in Linear Programming
5.1 Transportation Problem;
5.2 Assignment problemProblem.
Main Bibliography 1. Bazaraa, M. S., Jarvis, J. J. e Sherali, H. D. (1990) Linear Programming and Network Flows, John Wiley & Sons, New York, .
2. Ramalhete, M., Guerreiro, J. e Magalhães, A. (1985) Programação Linear, Vol. 1 e 2, McGraw-Hill, Lisboa
3. Hillier, F. e Lieberman, G. (1995) Introduction to Operations Research, McGRAW-HILL International Editions, sixth edition.
4. Tavares, L., Oliveira, R., Themido, I. e Correia, F. (1996) Investigação Operacional, McGraw-Hill
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Two written tests, 10 points each, on the following dates:

October 31, 2024;

December 19, 2024.

Obtaining 9.5 or more points in total exempts the student from the final evaluation consisting of a written exam.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2025-01-10

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