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Fundamentals of Marketing

Code 13999
Year 2
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Marketing
Entry requirements None.
Mode of delivery -Presence
Work placements -Not aplicable
Learning outcomes Contextualize the role that the marketing function, should assume in the management of companies, emphasizing the importance of interrelationship between marketing and other business functions. Provide the necessary information in view of the comprehension and decision making in marketing.

Understanding the terminology inherent to the discipline of Marketing.
Understand, inside an organizational context and in the contemporaneous environment very competitive and turbulent, the role of marketing in organizations.
Dominate the applicability and utility of the marketing concepts and techniques.
Understanding the importance of the practice of marketing being conducted in an ethical manner and socially responsible.
Develop competencies to work in group taking advantage of the synergies resultant.
Develop communication skills by submission of reports with the appropriate structure.
Stimulate in the students the desire for research and to consult the specialized literature.
Syllabus PART I - Concepts and marketing tasks

1 - Perspectives on Marketing in the XXI century

PART II - Search marketing opportunities

2 - Analysis of marketing environment
3 - Information systems and marketing research

PART III - Connecting with customers

4 - Satisfaction, value and customer loyalty
5 - Analysis of consumer markets and buying behavior
6 - Analysis of the industrial market
7 - The process of market segmentation, target market selection and positioning
Main Bibliography • KOTLER, Philip; Keller, Kevin; Brady, Mairead; Goodman, Malcolm e Hansen; Torben (2019); “Marketing Management 4th European Edition”, 4ª edição, Pearson
• KOTLER, Philip e Keller, Kevin Lane (2019); “Administração de Marketing”, 15ª edição, Pearson Education
• LENDREVIE, Jacques; Lévy, Julien; Dionísio, Pedro; Rodrigues, Joaquim; (2015); “Mercator da Língua Portuguesa – Teoria e prática do marketing”; 16ª edição, Dom Quixote
• KOTLER, Philip e Armstrong, Gary, (2018) “Principles of Marketing”, 17ª Ediçao, Pearson.
• ETZEL, Michael; Walker, Bruce e Stanton, William (2007); “Marketing”, 14ª edição, McGraw Hill
• Blythe, Jim e Martin, Jane (2019); “Essentials of Marketing”, 19ª edição, Pearson
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Students will be assessed in the subject in order to stimulate their self-learning, valuing the work developed inside and outside the classroom.
Assessment parameters:
One assessment test to be held on a date to be scheduled by the course director - 60% of the final mark
Group work - 40% of the final mark (All groups should prepare an oral presentation of the work and be prepared to discuss it in class)
The assessment rules in force at UBI will be followed.
To pass the learning phase the student must have a minimum mark of 7/20 in the evaluation test and in the group works.

Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-12-29

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