Learning outcomes |
to provide a set of concepts, techniques and approaches as well as understanding the main issues that arise, either in preparing the proposal, or in structuring and carrying out research work: master's thesis - Know the main strategies to be adopted in different research paradigms in the scientific area of management and entrepreneurship; - Identify, define and understand the different concepts and approaches in a process of scientific investigation; - Identify and understand the methodologies and techniques needed to develop a project or a research work; - Apply statistical concepts and methods of data analysis, in business science, not addressed at the undergraduate level (first cycle); - Analyze, evaluate, and articulate the implications of the statistical results in the field of business science.
Main Bibliography |
Pinto, J. Carlos Castro e Curto, J. J. Dias, "Estatística para Economia e Gestão: Instrumentos de Apoio à Tomada de Decisão", Edições Silabo, Lda., Lisboa, 1999.
Hair, Joseph F., Bill Black, Barry Babin, Rolph E. Anderson, Ronald L. Tatham (2006) Multivariate Data Analysis, 6/e, Upper Saddle River, US: Prentice Hall,
Lisboa, João V., Augusto, Mário G. e Ferreira, Pedro L. (2012), “Estatística Aplicada à Gestão”, Vida Económica, Lisboa.
Malhotra, Naresh K. e David F. Birks (2010) Marketing Research – An Applied Approach (6th ed.), Edinburgh Gate, UK: Prentice Hall,
Marôco, J. (2011). Análise Estatística com o SPSS Statistics (5th ed.), Pero Pinheiro: Edições Silabo
McClave, J.T, BEnson, P.G. e Sincich, T., Statistics for Business and Economics, 9th Edition, Pearson, Prenstice Hall, 2005.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The teaching methodology comprises two components. The first consists of an expository approach, in which the terms, concepts and models of statistical analysis are presented and interpreted. The second is a practical approach where, using the SPSS software, the different statistical methods are presented, the different model estimation procedures are performed and explained and, finally, the outputs obtained are analyzed and discussed.