Learning outcomes |
Develop up-to-date practical / scientific knowledge on strategic topics in production management with a view to optimizing processes, both in industrial companies and service companies. Analyze and apply tools and methodologies used in the management of Operations in the context of optimization of processes, with special emphasis to those existing within the Lean Philosophy.
Specific objectives: Know the history of Lean Management / Thinking, Key Concepts and Principles of TPS, Principles of Lean Thinking; Realize the concept of Value and Waste, Identify the 7 Waste (Muda), Mura and Muri; Apply tools to identify and diagnose problems
Main Bibliography |
Lisboa, J.V. e Gomes, C.F. (2019). Gestão de Operações. 3ª Edição. Porto: Vida Económica.
Heizer, J., Render, B., e Munson, C. (2019). Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, 13ª Ed., Pearson. Krajewski, L., Malhotra, N., e Ritzman, L. (2021). Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains, 13ª Ed., Pearson. Lopes, J.D, Nunes, S., Soares, J.M., Pimentel, B.M., e Pinto, J.G. (2020). Gestão da Produção e Operações - Teoria e casos práticos resolvidos. Escolar Editora. Mann, D. (2014). Creating a Lean Culture: Tools to Sustain Lean Conversions (3rd Edition). New York: Productivity Press. Pinto, J.P. (2014). Pensamento Lean - A filosofia das organizações vencedoras, 6ª Ed., Lidel. Rajitha, P., Kumari, P.B.P., Neeraja, K. (2022). Operations Management. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing Roldão, V.S. e Ribeiro, J.S. (2014). Gestão das operações – Uma abordagem integrada. Monitor. Silver, E.A, Pyke, D.F., e Thomas,