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Leadership and Human Resources

Code 14080
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(30H)
Scientific area Management
Entry requirements .
Learning outcomes At the end of the curricular unit the student should understand, analyze and discuss the operational and strategic dimension of human resources management, as well as the added value of the human resources function in the organizational context.
The student should also understand in depth, and in all its scope, the leadership and the processes of leadership of teams, in order to be able to act adequately in an organizational context.
The student should also be able to identify the sources of conflict, defining and implementing preventive strategies of action, and of management of organizational conflicts
Syllabus 1.The management of human resources in context of change.
2. The strategic management of human resources and the sustainable management of human resources.
3- Intelectual capital.
4. Management of human resources and organizational culture.
5. The leadership and the development of human resources.
6. Leadership of teams and teambuilding.
7- New leadership perspectives.
8- Conflict and negotiation.
9- Current research topics in people management and measuring instruments.
Main Bibliography BASS, B.M., RIGGIO R.E. (2006) “Transformational Leadership”, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Psychology Press, New Jersey.
BREWSTER, C, e HEGEWISCH A. (2017) “Policy and Practice in European Human Resource Management”, Routledge, London.
CUNHA, M.P., REGO, A., CUNHA, R.C., CARDOSO, C.C., MARQUES, C.A. e GOMES, J.F.S. (2015) “Manual de Gestão de Pessoas e do Capital Humano”, Sílabo, Lisboa.
EHNERT, I, HARRY, W, ZINK, K. J. (2014) “Sustainability and Human Resource Management: Developing Sustainable Business Organizations”, Springer, London.
JESUÍNO, J.C. (2005) “Processos de liderança”, 4ª Edição. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, (2005). REGO, A., CUNHA, M.P, (2003) "Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão, Instrumentos de Medida", Escolar Editora, Lisboa.
ROBBINS, SP., JUDGE, TA. (2017) "Essentials Of Organizational Behavior", Pearson Education, New Jersey.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Combination between the expository method and the active teaching-learning method. Classes based on exposure and also in the dialogue, as well as in the critical analysis of practical cases, in order to relate the conceptual and theoretical analysis to concrete situations and practices.
The students' exposition, analysis and discussion of scientific articles or practical cases aims at developing the capacity for argumentation and the solidification of their scientific bases.
The group work, whose themes are presented at the beginning of the curricular unit, and are directly related to the syllabus of the course, aim to develop the capacity for interaction and cooperation in teams, considered vital for inclusion in organizational life.
Finally, a written test and a individual work will be used as the moments of evaluation.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-03-21

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