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  4. Patrimony Recuperation and Urban Requalification

Patrimony Recuperation and Urban Requalification

Code 14120
Year 4
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 5
Workload PL(30H)/TP(30H)
Scientific area Arquitetura
Entry requirements no requirements needed
Mode of delivery face to face
Work placements not applicable
Learning outcomes This CU pretends to give the general outlines of conservation and restauration
as well as the contence of international charts,
the importance of the architectural heritage in urban planning.
An introduction to the survey techniques an avaluation criteria.
and basis of intervening in buildings.
Finishing this CU the student will be able to know the general outlines of conservation and restauration and the contence of international charts
Comprehend the importance of the architectural heritage in urban planning.
Dominating the basics of survey techniques, avaluation criteria of cultural heritage
Syllabus 1. Conservation of Cultural and Architectonical Heritage - WHY? ;
2. Conservation and restoring in passed times;
3. Survey and avaluation of buildings;
4. Actual basics of conservations;
5. International Charts;
6. Portuguese Legislation;
7. Architectural heritage and urban planning;
8. Case studies
Main Bibliography 1.)
Appleton, J.( 2003) Reabilitação de Edifícios Antigos – Patologias e Tecnologias de Intervenção, Amadora, Edições Orion.
Cabrita, A. R. et. al. (1993) Manual de Apoio à Reabilitação do Edifícios do Bairro Alto. Lx., CML, LNEC.
Cóias, V.(2009) Inspecções e Ensaios na Reabilitação de Edifícios, 2ª ed., Lx., IST PRESS.
Choay, F. (1999) A Alegoria do Património, Lx., Edições 70.
Jorge, V.F. (2005) Cultura e Património, Lx., Edições Colibri.
Oliveira, M. M de (2008) A documentação como ferramenta de preservação da memória, Brasília, DF: IPHAN/Programa Monumenta.
Tomé, M. (2002) Património e restauro em Portugal (1920 – 1995), Porto, FAUP publicações.
Warren, J. et. al. editors (1998) Context : new buildings in historic settings, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.
Wlodarczyk, A. (2009) The adaptive re-use and re-integration of urban industrial areas – case studies in Covilhã(P), Zürich (CH) and Berlin (D), Berlin, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin.

Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2021-02-12

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