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Multimedia Communication

Code 14379
Year 2
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Communication Sciences
Entry requirements n.a.
Learning outcomes A) From the "Multimedia Communication" course unit, it is expected that students will be able to know the theoretical contents related to communication and multimedia so that they are able to competently promote and disseminate the sale of goods, products and services on the market .
B) The student should be able to define what communication is and how it can be achieved, as well as apply skills related to the theory and basic concepts of graphic arts, communication design and visual communication applied to promotion and sale of entities, companies, goods, products and services.
C) The student must also be able to create a visual identity (elaborate logos or acronyms, business cards, envelopes, flyers, billboards, posters, advertising gifts, institutional website, advertising) of a company, well, product or service.
Syllabus I - Communication
- Definitions of "communication"
- Introduction to the study of signs and semiotics
- Definitions of Internal Communication vs External Communication
- Image Analysis

II - Multimedia
- Communication Design and Branding
- Media Language
- Image, slogan and Logo
- Image and Organizational Identity
- Visual identity
- The importance of Color

III - Multimedia Communication in Networks
- Social Media Strategies
- Dimensions and "content aware" for different social networks
- Masterclass/Workshop of Branding, content creator and copywriting.
Main Bibliography FARINA, Modesto. “Psicodinâmica das cores em comunicação”. São Paulo: Edgar B., 2006.
FISKE, J - "Introduction to Communication Studies", Routledge, 2010.
JOLY, Martine. “Introdução à Análise da Imagem”, Campinas, Papirus, 1996.
MUNIZ, E. "Comunicação Publicitária em tempos de Globalização", 1º Edição, ULBRA, 2005.
XIFRA, J. "Manual de Relaciones Publicas e Institucionales", 3º Edição, 2014.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-03-15

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