Syllabus |
1- Introduction to human resources management. 2. Strategic and administrative human resource management. 3. Human resources management policies and practices. 4. The individual 4.1- Individual characteristics, values, attitudes and job satisfaction. 4.2- Personality, emotion, perceptions and decision-making. 4.3- Motivation: theories and pratical applications. 5. Groups and teams in organizations. 5.1- Concepts and group processes. 5.2- Leadership and communication. 5.3- Power, conflict and negotiation. 6- The organizational system. 6.1- Organizational structure, technology and work planning. 6.2- Organizational culture. 7- The organizational dynamics. 7.1- Organizational change and stress. 7.2- Organizational behaviour in the digital era.
Main Bibliography |
- CUNHA, M.P., REGO, A., CUNHA, R.C., CARDOSO, C.C. (2016) “Manual de Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão”, (6ªEd.), Editora RH, Lisboa. Psicossociologia do trabalho e das organizações, Lidel Pactor, Lisboa. - NEWSTROM J.W. (2008) "Comportamento Organizacional, o comportamento humano no trabalho", McGraw-Hill Brasil, S.Paulo, - REGO, A., CUNHA, M.P, (2009) "Manual de Gestão Transcultural de Gestão de Recursos Humanos", Editora RH, Lisboa. - ROBBINS SP JUDGE TA (2017). Essentials Of Organizational Behavior, Pearson Education, Harlow. - SCHEIN, E.H. (2010) Organizational culture and Leadership, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The classes are theoretical-practical, constituted by a part with theoretical exposition by the teacher with recourse to the Powerpoint; another part with exposure, analysis and discussion of scientific articles or practical cases (previously delivered to students); finally, questions are presented to be solved by the students. The practical cases can also be solved and delivered via email to the teacher. Rating criteria: - A written test (60%). - Individual practical cases and quality of class participation (10%) - Group work (30%).