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Soft Skills

Code 14640
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 2
Workload S(30H)
Scientific area Engenharia Civil
Entry requirements N/A
Learning outcomes The curricular unit aims to enrich the curriculum of students, providing them with a structured set of
broad and transversal competences and skills needed in the succeeding curricular units. The following skills are
a) Understanding the cooperation mechanisms involved in teamwork;
b) Understanding technical-scientific written and oral communication;
c) Knowledge of the principles of technological innovation and entrepreneurship;
d) Knowledge of social, environmental and sustainability concerns in professional practice;
e) Knowledge of the professional activity legal framework;
f) Understanding of the principles of ethics and professional deontology.
Syllabus 1) Teamwork, conflict management and leadership;
2) Management and organization of time;
3) Written and oral communication techniques;
4) Plagiarism and bibliographical references;
5) Technological innovation and entrepreneurship;
6) Environmental concern and sustainability;
7) Social responsibility and public participation;
8) Basis of the Portuguese legal order;
9) Ethics and Deontology.
Main Bibliography Van Emden, J., Becker, L.; Presentation Skills for Students. Edition 2. Publisher Palgrave Macmillan, 2010
Edward Tufte; The visual display of quantitative information, 2001 (000056149 0-9613921-4-2 000056149) 456; 123,
Edições Sílabo, 2008.
Neves, J. G., Garrido, M. Simões, E.; Manual de Competências Pessoais, Interpessoais e Instrumentais (Teoria e
Prática). 2ª edição., Edições Sílabo, 2008.
Rego, A.; Braga, J.: “Ética para Engenheiros”. Editora Lidel. 4ª Edição. 2017.
Nabais, J.C.: “Introdução ao Direito Administrativo”. Ancora. 2003.
IPQ. NP 405-1:1994 Informação e Documentação. vol. 7. 1994.
IPQ. NP 405-4:2002 Informação e documentação. Referências biblográficas. Parte 4: Documentos eletrónicos. 2002.
Ordem dos Engenheiros. Regulamento no 420/2015 - Atos de Engenharia por Especialidade da OE 2015:19422–46.
B. Santos, J. Gonçalves, P.Almeida (2017) “Referencias Bibliográficas e Plagio no Ensino Superior”, “Gestores de
Referências Bibliográficas: MS Word e Mendeley” DECA/FE, UBI.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-04-12

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