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Code 14645
Year 2
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload PL(45H)/T(15H)/TP(15H)
Scientific area Drawing and Topography
Entry requirements n.a.
Mode of delivery Face-to-Face
Work placements Not applicable
Learning outcomes The course aims to introduce and develop aspects of topography and its application to civil engineering.
The following competences are transmitted to students:
(a) Solid knowledge of instruments: Digital Topographic Levels and Total Stations;
(b) Solid knowledge of selected topographic calculations;
(c) Solid knowledge of selected field procedures and computer data processing;
(d) Understanding of geodetic networks and rectangular coordinate systems;
(e) Understanding of principles and sources of Geodesy, Cartography, GIS and
Satellite based Positioning Systems;
(f) Understanding errors in applied topography;
(g) Understanding of stakeout, observation and deformations of building sites;
(h) Understanding GPS instruments and procedures;
(i) Recognition of Laser-Scan Instruments.
Syllabus 1. General notions of topography and geodesy; coordinate systems and terrain representation.
2. Geometric levelling.
3. Topographic observations: Study of theodolites and level instruments.
4. Errors in observations: Measurement of angles and intersections.
5. Distance measurement by indirect procedures; Irradiation.
6. Trigonometric levelling.
7. Coordination of station points: triangulation, transverse and intersections.
8. Stakeout.
9. Observation of building sites and deformations.
10. Satellite based systems.
11. Geomatic survey and processing.
12. Big data processing.
Main Bibliography - NEPOMUCENO, Miguel. “Apontamentos das Aulas Teórico-práticas de Topografia”, UBI, Covilhã, 2001 (com um anexo de bibliografia e informação em formato digital, recomendada).
- CRUZ, João; REDWEIK, Paula. “Manual do Engenheiro Geógrafo”, PF, Lisboa, 2003.
- FERNANDES, Rui. “Folhas de Exercício para Topografia”, UBI, Covilhã, 1997.
- ALVES, José A. de Deus; CRUZ, João J. S.; NORTE, Custódio G.. “Manual deTopografia”, Vol. 1, PF, Lisboa,1988.
- Instituto Geográfico do Exército. “Manual de Leitura de Cartas”, IGOE, 4.ª Edição, Maio, 2000.
- GASPAR, Joaquim Alves. “Cartas e Projecções Topográficas”, Lidel – Edições Técnicas, 2000.
- GASPAR, Joaquim Alves. “Dicionário de Ciências Cartográficas”, Lidel – Edições Técnicas, 2.ª Edição, 2004.
- CUNHA, Luís Veiga. “Desenho Técnico”, 9ª Edição, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
- SILVA, Arlindo et al.. “Desenho Técnico Moderno”, 6.ª Edição, Lidel - Edições Técnicas,Setembro, 2004.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria This semester course consists of 64 hours of contact with the teaching team, 88 hours of student autonomous
work and 8 hours for evaluation (total: 160 hours). The course is credited with 6 ECTS.
The course is structured with theoretical classes – T (exposition of the subjects of the course), theoreticalpractical classes – TP (exposition of the subjects of the course and presentation of small practical examples),
practical and tutorial classes – PL and OT (application of theoretical concepts to solve practical problems by
conducting field operations and informatics data treatment).
Evaluation is performed in two phases:
- Periodic evaluation with written test (with both theoretical and theoretical-practical part) and continuous
evaluation with five practical works;
- Final exam (with both theoretical and theoretical-practical part) for admitted students.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2025-01-10

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