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  4. Hydraulics I

Hydraulics I

Code 14647
Year 2
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload PL(15H)/TP(60H)
Scientific area Hidráulica e Ambiente
Entry requirements Concepts acquired in Mechanics and waves, Statics and Calculus III.
Learning outcomes The Hydraulic I curricular unit aim to provide the students a good knowledge on the concepts of Fluid Mechanics, in order to constitute a solid base for the different applications in the area of Hydraulics. It also aims to contribute to their training under the critical thinking in problem solving and the acquisition of interpersonal skills of individual and team work.
At the end of the curricular unit the students must have acquired the following competences:
a) Ability of the computation of hydrostatic forces acting on surfaces or bodies.
b) Ability of the fundamental concepts of Hydrokinematics and Hydrodynamics.
c) Ability of the hydraulic computation of steady flows in closed conduits under pressure.
d) Knowledge on the basic concepts of unsteady flows under pressure.
e) Knowledge on the basic concepts of dimensional analysis and similarity.
f) Knowledge on the computation of hydrodynamic forces acting on submerged bodies.
Syllabus Chapter 1. Properties of liquids: External forces; Density; Compressibility; Viscosity.
Chapter 2. Hydrostatic: Hydrostatic law; Absolute and relative pressure; Hydrostatic force.
Chapter 3. Hydrokinematics Euleurian description; Material derivative and acceleration vector; Flow lines.
Chapter 4. Hydrodynamics: Integral form of conservation laws; Differential form of conservation laws; Energy equations.
Chapter 5. Dimensional analysis. Similarity: Non-dimensional form of physical laws; Types of similarity.
Chapter 6. Resistance lays for uniform flows: Laminar and turbulent flows; Empirical laws for turbulent regime.
Chapter 7. Steady flows in closed conduits: Head losses in singularities and per unit of length; Installations calculus.
Chapter 8. Unsteady flows in closed conduits: Water hammer; Mass oscillation.
Chapter 9. Hydrodynamic forces under submerged bodies: Resistance and suspension.
Main Bibliography - Teacher's notes to support the course (available in E-CONTENTS).
- Quintela, A.C. (1985). Hidráulica, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
- Currie, I.G. (1974). Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, McGrawHill.
- Lencastre, A. (1983). Hidráulica Geral, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil.
- Manzanares, A.A. (1980). “Hidráulica Geral”, Volume I, Associação de Estudantes do Instituto Superior Técnico.
- J. Novais Barbosa (1985). Mecânica de Fluidos e Hidráulica Geral, FEUP.
- Çengel e Cimbala (2007). Mecânica dos Fluidos - Fundamentos e Aplicações", McGraw Hill.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-11

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