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Communication Theory

Code 14669
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Communication Sciences
Entry requirements N.A.
Mode of delivery Face-to-face.
Learning outcomes - Know and understand the various currents and paradigms that, over the last century, have had communication and media phenomena as their object of study.
- Acquire a broad view of communication theories in the various currents and paradigms that have developed over the last century.
- Interpret communication phenomena based on different theories, applying knowledge to specific cases.
- Make critical syntheses of some of the most important texts in communication theories.
- Produce reviews and orally debate scientific texts in the area of communication theory.
- Have theoretical bases to broadly and reflexively frame professional work in communication.
Syllabus 1. Background, precursors and basic concepts
2. Transmission theories: Lasswell functionalism; mathematical information theory (Shannon and Weaver); cybernetics (Wiener)
3. Interaction theories: symbolic interactionism, from Mead to Goffman. Cultural studies
4. Means and extensions; McLuhan's technological paradigm
5. Pragmatics of human communication: the Palo Alto school; the framework messages (Bateson, Watzlavick and Goffman).
6. Communication and Critical Theory: The Frankfurt School.
7. The remediation: Bolter and Grusi
8. An interactional model of mediated communication: J. Thompson
9. Network communication and media convergence. (Henry Jenkins)
Main Bibliography Fiske, John (2002). Introdução ao Estudo da Comunicação. Porto: Asa.
Hohlfeldt, António, Luiz Martino e Vera França (2001). Teorias da Comunicação. Petrópolis: Vozes.
Holmes, David (2005). Communication Theory: media, technology, society. Sage.
Littlejohn, Stephen e Foss, Karen (2009). Encyclopedia of Communication Theory. Sage:
Mattellart, Armand e Mattelart, Michèle (1997). História das Teorias da Comunicação. Porto: Campo das Letras.
McQuail, Dennis (2003). Teoria da Comunicação de Massa. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Serra, J. Paulo (2007). Manual de Teoria da Comunicação. Covilhã:
Sousa, J. Pedro (2006). Elementos de Teoria e Pesquisa da Comunicação e dos Media. Covilhã:
Wolf, Mauro (1992). Teorias da Comunicação. Lisboa: Presença.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-12

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