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Communication Theory

Code 14669
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Communication Sciences
Entry requirements N.A.
Mode of delivery Face-to-face.
Learning outcomes - Know and understand the various currents and paradigms that, over the last century, have had communication and media phenomena as their object of study.
- Acquire a broad view of communication theories in the various currents and paradigms that have developed over the last century.
- Interpret communication phenomena based on different theories, applying knowledge to specific cases.
- Make critical syntheses of some of the most important texts in communication theories.
- Produce reviews and orally debate scientific texts in the area of communication theory.
- Have theoretical bases to broadly and reflexively frame professional work in communication.
Syllabus 1. Background, precursors and basic concepts
2. Transmission theories: Lasswell functionalism; mathematical information theory (Shannon and Weaver); cybernetics (Wiener)
3. Interaction theories: symbolic interactionism, from Mead to Goffman. Cultural studies
4. Means and extensions; McLuhan's technological paradigm
5. Pragmatics of human communication: the Palo Alto school; the framework messages (Bateson, Watzlavick and Goffman).
6. Communication and Critical Theory: The Frankfurt School.
7. The remediation: Bolter and Grusi
8. An interactional model of mediated communication: J. Thompson
9. Network communication and media convergence. (Henry Jenkins)
Main Bibliography Fiske, John (2002). Introdução ao Estudo da Comunicação. Porto: Asa.
Hohlfeldt, António, Luiz Martino e Vera França (2001). Teorias da Comunicação. Petrópolis: Vozes.
Holmes, David (2005). Communication Theory: media, technology, society. Sage.
Littlejohn, Stephen e Foss, Karen (2009). Encyclopedia of Communication Theory. Sage:
Mattellart, Armand e Mattelart, Michèle (1997). História das Teorias da Comunicação. Porto: Campo das Letras.
McQuail, Dennis (2003). Teoria da Comunicação de Massa. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Serra, J. Paulo (2007). Manual de Teoria da Comunicação. Covilhã:
Sousa, J. Pedro (2006). Elementos de Teoria e Pesquisa da Comunicação e dos Media. Covilhã:
Wolf, Mauro (1992). Teorias da Comunicação. Lisboa: Presença.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Through reading, interpreting and commenting on texts and subsequent discussion, participation and the development of the capacity for investigation, reflection and argumentation are promoted. The attendance test validates the acquisition of skills in terms of knowledge and understanding of the syllabus, the research work develops the skills of investigation, reflection and argumentation.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-12

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