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  3. Communication Sciences
  4. Webjournalism


Code 14676
Year 2
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Communication Sciences
Entry requirements No
Mode of delivery Face-to-face
Work placements No.
Learning outcomes The general objective of this UC is the sensitization of students to the potentialities of the Web as a medium and support for journalism. The three specific objectives are: 1) to critically discuss the impact of the Web in the professional, technological and economic fields; 2) to provide students with skills that allow them to be more autonomous and creative through the use of mobile technologies; 3) to prepare students for the work of conception and production of contents for online informative spaces, using the most adequate resources, techniques, narratives and languages.
Syllabus 1. The new media ecosystem
2. The Internet: History, functioning and growth. Access devices.
3. Internet and Journalism: changes in production, distribution, and consumption.
4. Web journalism: definition, evolution, and characteristics.
5. Production routines and techniques in webjournalism: information gathering; planning; multimedia writing; publishing.
6. The new genres in webjournalism: viewing and analysis of examples.
7. Convergence, innovation, and creativity
8. Mobile journalism
9. Journalism and Artificial Intelligence: new professional panoramas
Main Bibliography Aguado, J.M., Feijóo, C & Martínez, I. J. (2013). La comunicación Móvil: hacia un nuevo ecosistema digital. Gedisa
Bastos, H. (2023). História dos primeiros 25 anos de Ciberjornalismo em Portugal. Livros Labcom
Barbosa, S. & Mielniczuk, L. (2013). Jornalismo e Tecnologias móveis. Livros Labcom.
Canavilhas, J. (2023). Manual de Jornalismo na Web. Livros Labcom.
Larrondo, A., Meso, K. & Tous, A. (2014). Shapping the News Online. Livros Labcom
Manovich, L. (2001). The Language of New Media. The MIT Press.
Prodigioso Volcan (2023). IA para periodistas: una herramienta para explotar. Em
Quadros, C. Et al (2011). Jornalismo e convergência: ensino e práticas profissionais. Livros Labcom
Polis-LSE (2022). AI journalism Starter Pack. Em
Russell, S.J.; & Norvig, P. (2016). Artificial intelligence: a modern approach. Pearson Education Limited.
Stensen, S. & Westlund, O (2021). What is digital journalism studies. Routledge.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria This course uses a hybrid teaching-learning model that seeks to make the best use of expository methodologies, but also of new methodologies that require a more active participation from students, such as simulated practice, gamification and flipped classroom. The goal is to develop greater personal and intellectual autonomy in students.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-12

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