Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Communication Sciences
Entry requirements |
Mode of delivery |
Work placements |
Learning outcomes |
The general objective of this UC is the sensitization of students to the potentialities of the Web as a medium and support for journalism. The three specific objectives are: 1) to critically discuss the impact of the Web in the professional, technological and economic fields; 2) to provide students with skills that allow them to be more autonomous and creative through the use of mobile technologies; 3) to prepare students for the work of conception and production of contents for online informative spaces, using the most adequate resources, techniques, narratives and languages.
Syllabus |
1. The new media ecosystem 2. The Internet: History, functioning and growth. Access devices. 3. Internet and Journalism: changes in production, distribution, and consumption. 4. Web journalism: definition, evolution, and characteristics. 5. Production routines and techniques in webjournalism: information gathering; planning; multimedia writing; publishing. 6. The new genres in webjournalism: viewing and analysis of examples. 7. Convergence, innovation, and creativity 8. Mobile journalism 9. Journalism and Artificial Intelligence: new professional panoramas
Main Bibliography |
Aguado, J.M., Feijóo, C & Martínez, I. J. (2013). La comunicación Móvil: hacia un nuevo ecosistema digital. Gedisa Bastos, H. (2023). História dos primeiros 25 anos de Ciberjornalismo em Portugal. Livros Labcom Barbosa, S. & Mielniczuk, L. (2013). Jornalismo e Tecnologias móveis. Livros Labcom. Canavilhas, J. (2023). Manual de Jornalismo na Web. Livros Labcom. Larrondo, A., Meso, K. & Tous, A. (2014). Shapping the News Online. Livros Labcom Manovich, L. (2001). The Language of New Media. The MIT Press. Prodigioso Volcan (2023). IA para periodistas: una herramienta para explotar. Em Quadros, C. Et al (2011). Jornalismo e convergência: ensino e práticas profissionais. Livros Labcom Polis-LSE (2022). AI journalism Starter Pack. Em Russell, S.J.; & Norvig, P. (2016). Artificial intelligence: a modern approach. Pearson Education Limited. Stensen, S. & Westlund, O (2021). What is digital journalism studies. Routledge.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
This course uses a hybrid teaching-learning model that seeks to make the best use of expository methodologies, but also of new methodologies that require a more active participation from students, such as simulated practice, gamification and flipped classroom. The goal is to develop greater personal and intellectual autonomy in students.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.