Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Communication Sciences
Entry requirements |
Mode of delivery |
Work placements |
Learning outcomes |
• Recognize the image as a form of language; • Understand the different types of speeches and languages, with regard to their communicational function; • Characterize the different communication languages, identifying their specificities, their contexts of use, as well as the equipment capable of producing them in the form of documents; • Recognize the importance of the image in the media context, as an autonomous element of information transmission; • Identify the different types of infographics and their production stages; • Produce a communication campaign or a press infographic.
Syllabus |
I. Fundamentals of the visual message 1. Introduction: visual, oral, written 2. Gestalt Theory 3. Visual message levels 4. Fundamentals of visual literacy 5. Basic elements of the visual message 6. Visual message composition techniques
II. Iconography and Infographics 1. The image in the press: brief notes 2. Iconographic journalism genres 3. Types of infographics 4. Phases of infographic production
III. Image Production 1. Available Software 2. Production of communication campaign / Production of press infographics
Main Bibliography |
ALONSO, M. e MATILLA, L. (1990). Ima´gines en Movimiento. Madrid: Akal. AUMONT, J. (2009). A Imagem. Lisboa: Texto & Grafia. BRIGAS, J. (2012). Infografia das Guerras do Golfo e Iraque na Imprensa Ibérica. Lisboa: Media XXI. DONDIS, D. (2003). Sintaxe da Linguagem Visual. São Paulo: Martins Fontes. CORREIA, P. (2002). Suportes Multime´dia. Lisboa: Fundac¸a~o para a divulgac¸a~o das tecnologias de informac¸a~o. GILLIAN, R. (2012). Visual methodologies. An Introduction to Researching with Visual Materials. London: Sage. JOLY, M. (1999). Introdução à Análise da Imagem. Lisboa: Edições 70. MOREIRA, J. (2018). Manual de Infografia de Imprensa. Lisboa: Arranha-céus. PELTZER, G. (1992). Jornalismo Iconográfico. Lisboa: Planeta Editora. SOUSA, R. (1992). Ver e Tornar Visi´vel. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. VILLEFANE, J. (1988). Introducci´on a la Teoria da la Imagem. Madrid: Piramide.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.