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  4. Photography


Code 14678
Year 2
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Communication Sciences
Entry requirements n/a
Mode of delivery Face-to-face
Work placements None
Learning outcomes • Master theoretically, technically, creatively and communicationally the phenomenon of photography;
• Identify fundamental genres, authors and movements in the history of photography;
• Technically and artistically apply photographic processes;
• Produce a thematic portfolio.
Syllabus I – Photography: From theory to practice
1. Brief historical, technical and conceptual notes
2. Pitch, Off-pitch, Out-of-pitch
3. Plan, plan scale, plan angle
4. Composition & framing
a. center
b. rule of thirds
c. rule of halves
d. Direction: verticality and depth
e. framing
5. The essentials of photographic technique
a. Photometry: shutter vs. diaphragm
b. Sensitivity: film vs. sensor
c. Field vs. Field depth
d. Focus vs. blur
6. Light
a. natural and artificial light
b. direct and indirect light
c. diffusion
d. backlight
e. golden hour
f. night photography
7. Movements & Drags
a. bridal veil
b. paning
c. long exposures
8. Studio photography
a. Portrait
b. Advertising and catalog photography
9. Macro
10. Post-production
a. Software
b. Hue, lightness, saturation

II - Practice
1. Portfolio work (topic to be defined)
Main Bibliography • Benjamin, W. (1999). “Pequena História da Fotografia”. In Magia e Técnica, Arte e Política: ensaios sobre literatura e história da cultura. São Paulo. Brasiliense. 1994. p. 91-107.Barthes, R. (2005). A Câmara Clara. Lisboa, Portugal: Edições 70.
• Flusser, V. (1998). Ensaio sobre a Fotografia. Lisboa: Relógio D’Água.
• Langford, M. (2002). Fotografia Básica (5ª Ed.). Lisboa: DinaLivro.
• Lowe, P. (2017). Mestres da Fotografia. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili.
• Oliveira, O. e Oliveira, M. (2013). “Fases da história da fotografia e a questão da aura, segundo Walter Benjamin”. In Discursos Fotográficos, v.10, n.16, p.163-190, jan./jun. 2014. [em linha]:
• Santos, J. (2010). Fotografia. Famalicão: Centro Atlântico.
• Trachtenberg, A. (2013). Ensaios sobre Fotografia. Lisboa: Órfeu Negro.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-12

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