Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Communication Sciences
Entry requirements |
Not applicable
Mode of delivery |
Face to face.
Work placements |
Not applicable
Learning outcomes |
The teaching of this course aims to enable students to 1. Understand the relevance of Rhetoric in the light of its fundamental questions; 2. Situate the diversity of authors and works in their multiple cultural contexts; 3. Assimilate the applicability of Rhetoric within the framework of its multiple historical explanations and cultural inscriptions. 4- Use rhetoric whenever appropriate.
Syllabus |
1. The historical development of rhetoric. 1.1 The genesis of the relationship between Word and Power. 1.2 The philosophical roots of rhetoric. 1.3 The epistemic systematization of rhetoric in Aristotle. 1.4 Decline and renaissance of rhetoric. 2. Rhetoric in society. 2.1 From face-to-face rhetoric to mediated rhetoric. 2.2 Rhetoric and the industries of persuasion: the rhetoric of the image; rhetoric, marketing and technology. 2.3 From rhetoric in action to rhetoric of action: between making people see and making people them act. 2.4. Borderline questions: what rhetoric for the 21st century network society?
Main Bibliography |
Mandatory reading sources REBOUL, O. (1998), Inrodução à Retórica, São Paulo: Martins Fontes. ARISTÓTELES (1998). Retórica. Lisboa: IN-CM MATEUS S. (2018). Introdução à Retórica no Séc. XXI. UBI Editora LabCom.IFP PERELMAN, C. – OLBRECHTS-TYTECA, L. (2005). Tratado da argumentação. A nova retórica. S. Paulo: Martins Fontes.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.