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  4. News Theory

News Theory

Code 14683
Year 2
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Communication Sciences
Entry requirements Do not exist
Mode of delivery Face to face
Work placements NA.
Learning outcomes a) Acquisition of knowledge on the production, reception and consumption dynamics of the news. b) To get acquainted with some of the main paradigms of analysis and research methods in the context of journalistic studies. c) To gain awareness of the challenges posed by the changes induced by online journalism. . d) To obtain research skills in journalism studies in its print, online generalist, regional and communitarian dimensions.
0.1. Where do the news come from?
0.2. The role of journalism in contemporary societies.

1. The social production of news
The journalistic production process. Relations with sources and conditioning factors of news production according to various theories: (a) mirror theory (b) personal action theory (c) organizational theory. (d) theories of political action (e) constructivist theory (f) interactionist theory (g) structuralist theory.
2. News as a discursive genre and narrative form
3. Journalistic professionalism. Journalistic norms and values. Criteria of newsworthiness. Effects of News.
4. Journalism and news production as a social field and its degree of autonomy; From new dynamics of the relationship with the public to the issue of misinformation.

Main Bibliography Bibliografia

Correia, João (2011). O Admirável mundo dos Notícias: Teorias e Métodos. Covilhã: Livros Labcom.
Fenton, Natalie (2010). New Media, Old News: journalism & democracy in the digital age. Los Angeles: Sage.
Harcup, Tony & O’Neill, Deirdre (2017). What is news?: News Values Revisited (Again). Journalism Studies, vol. 18 (12)
Santos, Rogério (1997). A Negociação entre Jornalistas e Fontes. Lisboa: Caminho.
Schudson, Michael, (2003). The Sociology of News. Nova Iorque: W. W. Norton & Company.
Sousa, Jorge Pedro (s/d). Por que as notícias são como são? BOCC – Biblioteca Online de Ciências da Comunicação.
Sousa, Jorge Pedro (2000). As Notícias e os Seus Efeitos. Coimbra: Minerva Coimbra.
Traquina, Nelson [org.] (1993), Jornalismo: questões, teorias e "estórias". Lisboa: Vega.
Traquina, Nelson (2002). Jornalismo: O Que é. Lisboa: Quimera.
Wahl-Jorgensen, Karin e Hanitzsch, Thomas (2008). The Handbook of Digital Journalism. Londres: Sage.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-12

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