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Publics and Audiences

Code 14687
Year 3
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Communication Sciences
Entry requirements not applicable
Mode of delivery Face to face
Work placements There is none
Learning outcomes . To approach the concepts of “platform”, “audience”, “media” and to know the many theories about “connectivity” and “characters”.

. The student must display the skills to interpret and articulate information about the new kinds of publics and audiences in the age of platforms and social media. The student must correlate concepts and readings that allow him to understand the syllabus in both the empirical and theoretical sense, in order to reveal critique spirit.

. In order to make the contents explicit and ordered for the semester, the subtopics are linked to authors.
Syllabus . The Network is Your Client (Rogers)
. The Smartphone Paradox (Reid)
. The End of Ownership (Perzanowski & Schultz)
. The Facebook Problem (McNamee)
. The Production of The "Self" in The Digital Age (Ibrahim)
. Prosumers And The HyperConnected World (Helbing)
. The Culture of Connectivity (Dijk)
. The Platform Society (Dijk & Poel)
. The NeoTribes (Hardy, Benne & Robbards)
. The Semio-Capital (Berardi)
. The Attention Economy (Bueno)
Main Bibliography Berardi, F. (2009). Precarious rhapsody: semiocapitalism and the pathologies of the post-alpha generation. London, UK, Minor Compositions.

Bueno, C. (2017). The attention economy. labour, media, and power in cognitive capitalism. New York, NY, US, Rowman & Lilefield.

Dijk, J. V. (2013). The culture of connectivity. a critical history of social media. New York, NY, US, Oxford University Press.

Dijk, J. V., Poell, T., Waal, M. D. (2018). The platform society. public values in a connective world. New York, NY, US, Oxford University Press.

Hardy, A., Benne , A., Robards, B. (2018). Neo-tribes. Consumpon, leisure and tourism. Palgrave MacMillan.

Helbing, D. (2015). Thinking ahead. essays on big data, digital revolution, and participatory market society. Switzerland, Springer.

Ibrahim, Y. (2018). The production of the "self" in the digital age. New York, NY, US, Palgrave MacMillan.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Considering both the practical and theoretical specifics of the curricular unit:

• 1 pratical work (10 pages based on 50 interviews about the users of a digital platform) and 1 written test (50% + 50%) take place on TEST: A 275 OCTOBER an WORK: JANUARY 10

• The students may only skip 20% of classes or they fail.

• Students will attend exam whenever their final grade sits between 6 and 9,5 in the final score.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2025-01-07

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