Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Entry requirements |
There are no specific requirements
Mode of delivery |
theoretical and practical
Work placements |
Not applicable
Learning outcomes |
- Understand the principles of macroeconomics and train economic thinking; - Acknowledge the interdependence between agents and countries and the gains from trade; - Get knowledge of the sources of macroeconomic data and know how to represent the main variables in a graphic; - Know how to calculate national and domestic income at constant and current prices; - Know how to calculate the main macroeconomic aggregates using the principles of national accounting; - Understand the determinants of the real and monetary economy in the long-run, regarding output, unemployment and prices; - Distinguish between the behavior of a closed and an open economy; - Understand the determinants of short-run real economy.
Syllabus |
1. Introduction to Macroeconomics 2. The Interdependence and Gains from Trade 3. Data in Macroeconomics 3.1 The Income of a Country 3.2 The Cost of Living 4. The Real Economy in the Long Run 4.1 Production and Economic Growth 4.2 Savings, Investment and Financial System 4.3 Unemployment 5. Money and Prices in the Long Run 5.1 Concept and Functions of Money 5.2 Money Growth and Inflation 6. The Macroeconomics of Open Economies 6.1 Basic Concepts 6.2 The Macroeconomic Theory of Open Economies 7. Short-run Fluctuations 7.1 Aggregate Demand and Supply 7.2 The short-run Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment
Main Bibliography |
Mankiw, G. (2020), Principles of Macroeconomics, 9th edition, Cengage Learning Sequeira, T., P. Neves, M. Santos (2018), Macroeconomia: Exercícios, Edições Silabo
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The course has both theoretical and practical classes. The teacher explains the main concepts and theoretical contents at the beginning of each chapter. These contents are then applied in the discussion of the cases included in the main book of the bibliography ("Principles of Macroeconomics", by G. Mankiw), as well as of current up-to-date topics. Practical classes also involve the resolution of exercises. Continuous evaluation is composed of two written tests, each weighting 45% in the final grade and the delivery of completed exercise sheets with a weighting of 10%. In order to be admitted to the final exam, students must obtain a minimum grade of 6 in the continuous evaluation.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.