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  4. Psychology of Learning and Memory

Psychology of Learning and Memory

Code 14848
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload T(30H)/TP(30H)
Scientific area Psychology
Entry requirements There are no prerequisites in this curricular unit
Mode of delivery Face-to-face.
Learning outcomes The overall objective is to promote an integrated understanding of learning and memory processes. At the end of the UC, the student should be able to: (1) describe central memory phenomena and the theories, models and constructs that underlie them; (2) integrate and apply knowledge to explain real-life problems, applying explanatory theories of learning and memory; (3) draw implications for understanding the individual as a whole;(4) develop analysis and synthesis skills based on documents on the topics of learning and memory; (5) develop interpersonal relationship skills through cooperative group work;(6) use laboratory resources
Syllabus I - Memory
1. Fundamentals of memory
2. Memory systems
3. Memory in everyday life
II - Learning
1. Main theories of learning and habituation
2. Classical, operant conditioning and constructivism
Main Bibliography Anderson, J. R. (2000). Learning and memory: An integrated approach (2ª edition). Danvers. MA: Wiley.
Baddeley, A.; Eysenck M. W. &, Anderson, M.C. (2020) Memory (3ª edition). Routledge.
Domjan, M. (2010). Principios de aprendizaje y conduta (6ª edition). Wadsworth.
Matlin, M. W. (2009). Cognitive Psychology (7ª edition). John Wiley & Sons
Purdy, J. E.; Markham, M. R. ; Schwartz, B. L. & Gordon, W. C. (2000). Learning and memory (2ª edition). Wadsworth.
Sternberg, R. J. & Sternberg, K. (2017). Psicologia cognitiva (2ª edition). Cengage Learning.
Terry, W. S. (2009). Learning and memory : basic principles, processes, and procedures (6ª edition). Pearson Education
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-14

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