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  4. Introduction to Modern Physics

Introduction to Modern Physics

Code 14897
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Physics
Entry requirements None
Learning outcomes Compreensão dos aspetos elementares da teoria da relatividade restrita e dos fundamentos da teoria da relatividade geral.
Familiarização com os tópicos que estiveram na origem da teoria quântica.
Incremento da cultura geral científica.
Syllabus 1. Special Relativity Theory
Electromagnetic waves and the luminiferous ether, Michelson-Morley experiment. Principles of Special Relativity. Simultaneity, length contraction and time dilation. Lorentz transformations, velocity transformations, acceleration transformations. Relativistic linear momentum, relativistic energy. Minkowsky space-time, invariants and 4-vectors.
2. General Relativity Theory
The Principle of Equivalence. Gravitational red shift. Gravitation.
3. Roots of Quantum Theory
Thermal radiation, black bodies, irradiance and spectral irradiance. Stefan-Boltzmann’s Law, Wien’s Law, Rayleigh-Jeans Law, Planck’s Law. Photoelectric effect. Compton’s effect. Heat capacity of solids. De Broglie’s waves. Bohr’s atomic model.
Main Bibliography 1. Thornton S., Rex A (2013). Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers. Cengage Learning.
2. Walecka JD (2008). Introduction to Modern Physics. World Scientific Publishing
3. Krane KS (2019). Modern Physics. John Wiley & Sons
4. Serway RA, Moses CJ and Moyer CA (2004). Modern Physics. Thomson Learning
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Mixed theoretical and practical lectures; after the presentation of the theoretical concepts, they are used in concrete situations (problem solving and laboratory work), thus strengthening the learner's understanding. Demonstrative experiments and laboratory work are performed by the students.
Assessment includes written tests and assignments by students with presentation and discussion.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2023-06-12

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