Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Entry requirements |
The candidate must have the conditions established to attend the 3rd Cycle of Architect and be graded by the Course Committee.
Learning outcomes |
Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences to be developed by the students): Different research topics launched by the invited speakers and the person responsible for the U.C.. From thesethemes, we seek to understand research in architecture. Research Methodologies and Architectural Culture aims to introduce the concepts, methods and research tools in Architecture and Urbanism. Thus, the U.C. aims to foster a critical spirit, effectiveness in implementing, structuring, formatting, writing and bibliographic organization in the presentation of scientific works. The student must always beaware of rigor; through the understanding and application of relevant research methodologies and techniques in thescientific area in question. The research to be developed can have a theoretical nature as well as a practical basis, inwhich, the architectural project is assumed as the main focus of the research methodology.
Syllabus |
In-depth study in the scientific domain of the research area, taking into account the themes launched by the invitedspeakers and by the responsible for the Course Unit. The syllabus contents will be defined on the basis of architecturalculture and an interdisciplinary vision. Therefore, as a general framework it is intended to value knowledge, analysisand critical reflection that is broad and comprehensive.It is important, that the student is predisposed to a set of open questions and to topics related to researchmethodologies in Architecture.The U.C. intends to familiarize students with the academic research process, through the relationship between thetheoretical corpus and research, leading them to handle the tools for gathering and analyzing information; intends toenable students for autonomous research.
Main Bibliography |
Aicher, Otl (2001). Analógico y digital. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, AS.
Borden, Iain (2006). The Dissertation: An Architecture Student's Handbook. Architectural Press, Oxford.
Hertzberger, Herman (2008). Space and Learning, Lessons in Architecture. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers.
Moneo, Rafael (2017). Una Manera de Enseñar Arquitectura. Lecciones desde Barcelona 1971-1976. Barcelona: Ediciones UPC, S.L.
Morais, João Sousa (2007). (re) Construção de uma disciplina em Arquitetura. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
Ray, K.; Lokko, L.; Marjanovi, I. (2003). The Portfolio: An Architectural Student's Handbook. Oxford: Architectural Press.
Rodrigues, António Jacinto (1996). Teoria da arquitectura - O projecto como processo integral na arquitectura de Álvaro Siza. 1ª ed. Porto: FAUP publicações.
Siza Vieira, Álvaro (1998). Imaginar a Evidência. Lisboa: Edições 70.
Tavares, André (2016). The Anatomy of the Architectural Book. Zurich: Larss Müller Publishers.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The contents will be exposed using the various materials available for this purpose, be they analogue or digital.It is the objective that each of the programmatic points is debated in an exploratory way, using texts and images, whichallow the theoretical debate and critical reflection.The evaluation consists of an appreciation of two works related to a commentary on texts by paradigmatic figures ofarchitectural culture. The appreciation will take into account the context of this figure in the time and currents ofthought of this author, as well as an analysis and critical reflection on the exposed theme. The work will have writtenand oral aspects, being evaluated the two parameters. Furthermore, the student must demonstrate punctuality and relevant participation in all debates. It should be possibleto ascertain the degree of development and progression, taking into account the objectives stated for this U.C.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.