Profile of the programme
This Cycle of Studies (CS) aims at training researchers in the scientific area of Architecture, with high scientificqualification and with the capacity to develop research work autonomously, in higher education entities, R&D units, aswell as companies. This EC aims to be a space for deepening knowledge related to new architectural, urban and technological practices. Itaims through a theoretical and critical reflection of contemporaneity, a strong transdisciplinary vocation, convergentdisciplinary concerns and an epistemological reflection, to analyze the complex problem of society, art, heritage andterritory, giving operational meaning to the formation of knowledge related to the reality in which it moves. It should look at training based on knowledge, analysis, reflection and critical spirit, enabling participation inexperiences of good planning and construction practices. |
Key learning outcomes
1. To prepare architects and other professionals as researchers of high theoretical and methodological qualifications,providing them with tools to develop analytical and operational skills, as well as critical reflection, taking into accountthe relationship with the history, theory and criticism, in an analysis of its genesis and evolution over time. In additionto the knowledge of the theoretical corpus of architecture, the student must have an extensive knowledge of varioussubjects, privilegiem a transdisciplinarity between architecture, urbanism, heritage, territory, technologies and socialsciences. 2. To develop rigorous and original research to the dissemination of knowledge, both nationally and internationally.There must be a strong understanding of the research methods associated with the scientific field of doctoral theme. 3. To communicate to the academic community and to society in general the application of new epistemologicalsituations through new knowledge. |
Occupational profiles of graduates
The SC was designed to take into account that the challenges of the future will be addressed through systematicunderstanding of the various scientific fields of study, as well as the deepening of the research skills, skills andmethods associated with these fields. SC students will be able to design, adapt and carry out meaningful research,which, after a critical analysis, will allow them to evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas. In a background,they will be able, in a knowledge-based society, to contribute, in an academic or professional context, to technological,scientific, social and cultural progress. |
Learning facilities
The Faculty of Engineering occupies an area of 30,000 m2. There are also other general means at UBI that support DECA and its teaching and research activities, of which wehighlight: the Central Library, the Teaching and Learning Resource Center (CREA) and the Optics Center. Main infrastructures: Design and Topography Laboratory: DT1; Planning and Urban Planning Laboratory: PU1;Analysis and modeling laboratory: PU2; Computer lab; Construction Laboratory: C1; Geotechnical Laboratories: G1;Structural Mechanics Laboratory: ME1; Structural analysis laboratory: ME2; Materials resistance laboratory: ME3;Laboratory of experimental structures techniques: ME4; Project laboratory; Hydraulics and Environment Laboratory:HA1; Laboratory of river hydraulics and structures: HA2; General Rooms and Laboratories: SI - Geographic Information Systems; S2 - Drawing Rooms; S3 - Student support rooms; Modeling Room. |