Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Entry requirements |
not applicable.
Learning outcomes |
To Recognize and to know how to choose materials and measure some of their properties. To learn to characterize a material and know its general properties. To know the behaviour of different materials when works for different solicitations. To select a set of materials for a simple aeronautical engineering design, identifying the requirements and the constraints involved.
Syllabus |
1. Introduction. Periodic table. Classification of materials. 2. Crystalline structure. Crystalline defects. 3. Solidification, atomic diffusion. Solid solutions. 4. Equilibrium phase diagrams. Invariant reactions. 5. Material properties. Strength deformation diagram. Hooke law. 6. Ferrous alloys. Carbon steel, alloyed and stainless steel. Cast iron. Fe-C diagram. Heat and thermochemical treatment. TTT diagram. 7. Non-ferrous alloys. Aluminum, copper, titanium, magnesium and zinc alloys. Refractory alloys. 8. Ceramic materials. Ceramic processing. Technical and advanced ceramics. Electro-electronic ceramics. Glass. 9. Polymeric materials. Thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers. Copolymers. 10. Composite materials. Matrix and reinforcement. Natural composites. Wood. Stress and deformation mode. Laminated composites and sandwiches. 11. Advanced Materials. Electrical, magnetic, thermal and optical properties of materials. Superconductors.
Main Bibliography |
- Abílio P. Silva, Caderno Teórico de Ciência dos Materiais; UBI - Universidade da Beira Interior, Tipografia, ISBN: 978-989-654-427-0, 2018. - Abílio P. Silva, Fichas de exercícios - (disponibilizado no Moodle). - William F. Smith, Fundamentos de Engenharia e Ciência dos Materiais - 5ª edição, 2012, McGraw-Hill. - William F. Smith, Principles of Materials Science and Engineering, McGraw Hill, 1999. - William D. Callister, Ciência e Engenharia dos Materiais: Uma introdução, LTC - Livros Técnicos e Científicos, 2020. - William D. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering, Global Edition, 10th Edition, Wiley, 2019. - Lucas Martins Silva, Comportamento mecânico dos materiais, Publindústria, 2012.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
Theoretical classes using the expository, interrogative and demonstrative method, with the support of slideshows and digital resources Theoretical-practical classes consist of solving exercises in the classroom with the support of exercise sheets to allow the student to understand and consolidate the subjects.
LABORATORY WORK (TLab) Laboratory classes allow you to contact different materials and their behaviour through testing.
SYNTHESIS ANALYSIS WORK (TAS) Elaboration of a work of analysis and synthesis of a scientific article dealing with a material or application.
EVALUATION TESTS (TA) Two individual assessment (TA) test
Minimum grade for access to the Exam: 6 points.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.