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  4. Project IV/1

Project IV/1

Code 15231
Year 4
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 10
Workload OT(30H)/TP(150H)
Scientific area Arquitetura
Entry requirements The Curricular Unit has no entry requirements, however it assumes that students successfully attended the Architectural Design Curricular Units of the previous years.
Learning outcomes Establishing our own methodology and an individual process that adapts naturally to each student. Establishing differences, allowing for constant heterogeneity that leads to homogeneity in terms of participation and the development of each piece of work.
To relate architecture to contemporary society in a wide variety of areas, promoting multidisciplinarity and a broad knowledge of different areas: cinema, painting, sculpture, design, philosophy, literature, music, ecology, urbanism and engineering.
Promote a spirit of research, participation and confrontation of ideas at a theoretical and practical level (project).
Promote theoretical debate on the main architectural movements and currents, trying to position students in the face of dogmas, paradigms and the vicissitudes of the times, societies and respective contexts. Analyze, debate and confront the various positions on architecture.
Predispose the student to different situations

Syllabus The central theme that structures the program of this C.U. is urban design, taken as the conformation of the significant void, in order to juxtapose a vast or fair program in a weave of the Useful, of multiple uses aggregated by the qualified and protagonist presence of Public Space.
Thus, the central theme is the Urban Project, understood as a relationship between the scale of the territory and the scale of architecture, between the Plan and the Project. The realization of the proposal must presuppose a set of parameters that are based on ecological, landscape and environmental systems at the collective level and on the issues of alternative energies and sustainability at the individual level.
Theoretical and practical concepts on the various phases and stages of urban design. Methodology and the creation of a valid design process to meet the demands of the proposed programs.
Means and methods for analyzing, reading and representing spaces, whether urban or architectural. Notions o
Main Bibliography A.A.V.V. – Arquitectura Popular em Portugal. 3ª ed. Lisboa: Associação dos Arquitectos Portugueses, 1988.
AMENDOLA, Giandomenico – La Ciudad Postmoderna. Madrid: Celeste Ediciones, 2000.
BENEVOLO, Leonardo – As origens da Urbanística Moderna. Lisboa: Editorial Presença L.da, 1981.
BENEVOLO, Leonardo – A Cidade na história da Europa. 1ª ed. Lisboa: Editorial Presença L.da, 1995.
CALVINO, Italo – As cidades invisíveis. Lisboa: Editorial Teorema, 1993.
CAUQUELIN, A. – L’Invention du paysage. Paris: Presses Universitaire de France, 2000.
CENTENO, Yvette Kace; FREITAS, Lima de ?coord.] – A simbólica do espaço - cidades, ilhas, jardins. 1ª ed. Lisboa: Ed. Estampa, 1991.
CHOAY, Françoise – L’Urbanisme: utopies et réalités. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1965.
DOMINGUES, Álvaro – Vida no campo. Porto: Dafne Editora, 2012.
DOMINGUES, Álvaro – Volta a Portugal. Rio de Janeiro: Edições Contraponto, 2017.
ELIADE, Mircea – O sagrado e o profano - a essência das religiões. Lisboa: Livros do Brasil, ?s.d.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Practical classes are constantly monitored by the teacher, with direct supervision of the students and their work.
O.T. classes will provide theoretical support on the various subjects covered. Films and documentaries will provide this support, with an emphasis on a range of themes that are tangential to the disciplinary area of architecture, but which (in)form formally and aesthetically, such as cinema, all the plastic arts, poetry, theater, music and ballet.
Promote debate and criticism based on the oral presentation by each student at the end of the practical exercises. To approach oral presentation as a form of systematized presentation of an idea, a concept, a desire to design and build.
The lecture method will be adopted for theoretical classes, presenting a variety of topics using different media: slides, films, documentaries of projects, works and authors.
Lectures are given to clearly explain the program and objectives.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2023-10-22

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