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  3. Industrial Engineering and Management
  4. Macroeconomics


Code 15342
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Economics and Management
Entry requirements None.
Mode of delivery Daytime and Presential
Work placements Does not apply
Learning outcomes The curricular unit is designed to provide future graduates in Industrial Enginnering and Management with a set of theoretical and practical knowledge, and enable them to understand the macroeconomic environment in which business decisions are taken.
Upon completion of the Curricular Unit students should be able to: understand the main macroeconomic issues; distinguish key macroeconomic aggregates; understand the behaviour determinants of the real and monetary economy in the long run, in what regards its essential aspects (output, employment, prices); differentiate the behaviour of an open economy from that of a closed economy; understand the determinants of the real economy in the short run.
Syllabus Chapter I: Introduction
1.1 Principles of Economics
1.2 Thinking like an Economist

Chapter II: Interdependence and the Gains from Trade

Chapter III: The Data in Macroeconomics
3.1 The Performance of a Country
3.2 The Cost of Living

Chapter IV: The Real Economy in the Long Run
4.1 Production and Economic Growth
4.2 Saving, Investment and Financial System
4.3 Unemployment

Chapter V: Money and Prices in the Long Run
5.1 Concept and Functions of Money
5.2 Money Growth and Inflation

Chapter VI: The Macroeconomics of Open Economies
6.1 Basic Concepts
6.2 The Macroeconomic Theory of Open Economies

Chapter VII: Short-run Fluctuations
7.1 Aggregate Demand and Supply
7.2 The short-run Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment
Main Bibliography Mankiw, N. Gregory (2018), Principles of Economics, 8th edition, Cengage Learning
César das Neves, João (2011), Introdução à Economia, 9ª Edição, Verbo
Sequeira, Tiago N. (2007), Sebenta de Exercícios de Macroeconomia I, UBI, Covilhã
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The teaching methodology used in the curricular unit is both Theoretical and Practical. Classes are organized by combining the two teaching techniques. First, the main concepts and models of each topic are presented, accompanied with a discussion of real life examples; then, practical exercises are suggested and solved. Thus, students have the opportunity to develop their rationale regarding macroeconomic issues in a collective environment, which enables them to solve real problems. In addition, students must also work autonomously to solve exercises. The continuous evaluation is composed by two written tests, each with a weight of 50%. In order to be accepted for the final exam, students must obtain at least a grade of 6 in the continuous evaluation.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-09-20

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