Code |
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ECTS Credits |
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Learning outcomes |
This UC aims to enable the student to 1. Understand the Hellenistic thought in light of its fundamental questions; 2. Locate the diversity of authors, currents and schools in their multiple cultural contexts; 3. Mastering the conceptual and systemic field of each author, current or school 4. Emphasize the relevance of Hellenism in Western culture, as well as the clear timeliness of its most radical questions and respective praxiological and speculative formulations
Syllabus |
Physics, Logic and Ethics: "philosophizing-to-live" in a Hellenistic context...
1. Epicureanism 1.1. An indestructible cohesion between Nature, Thought and Action 1.2.1. Greek Epicureanism: Epicurus 1.2.2. Roman Epicureanism: Lucretius
2. Stoicism 2.1. A coherent symbiosis between Existing, Knowing and Acting 2.2.1. Ancient Stoicism (Greek): Zeno 2.2.2. Imperial Stoicism (Roman): Seneca
3. Skepticism 3.1. An (un)likely conviction: everything is uncertain… 3.2. Sextus Empiricus' Pyrrhonian Skepticism
Main Bibliography |
EPICURO (2002). Carta sobre a felicidade. São Paulo: UNESP LUCRÉCIO (2015). Da natureza das coisas. Lisboa: Relógio d'Água SÉNECA (2010). Cartas a Lucílio. Lisboa: FCG SEXTO EMPIRICO (1997). Hipotiposes Pirrônicas. Livro I. trad. D. Marcondes. in O que nos faz pensar [s.l.], v. 9, n. 12, june, pp. 115-122 HADOT P. (2001). Philosophie comme manière de vivre. Paris: Albin Michel LONG A. (2006). From Epicurus to Epictetus. Studies in Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy. Oxford: Clarendon Press JAEGER W. (1991). Cristianismo primitivo e paideia grega. Lisboa: Edições 70
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The structure of each teaching session will be based on a pedagogical model designed to provide 1. a strongly expository theoretical dynamic 2. a markedly interactive practical dynamic 3. constant monitoring of the learning process [see criteria below]
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.