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  4. Philosophy of Life and Aging

Philosophy of Life and Aging

Code 15585
Year 2
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Philosophy
Entry requirements not applicable
Learning outcomes This course is an introduction to the philosophy of life and aging, with the aim of presenting the main theoretical approaches to the subject in the tradition of philosophical thought, and fostering critical reflection and the capacity for reasoned appreciation of the perspectives on living and aging in contemporary society and its transitions.
At the end of the course unit the learner is expected to be able to (i) problematize the categorizations of life, death and aging in the light of the philosophical thought tradition and the phenomenology of life (ii) critically discuss and evaluate the individual and communitarian impacts that the contemporary epochal configuration brings to the experience and perception of aging, living and dying.
1. The ephemerality of life and the promises of eternal life [Pindar and Homer]
2. The examined life and training for death [Plato]
3. Vital functions, forms of life and the desire for a good life [Aristotle]
4. Knowledge and the flavor of living [Epicureanism and Stoicism]
5. Life as a horizon of exposure and vulnerability [M. Heidegger and M. Henry]

6. Meaning of aging and “consented” aging [Cícero and L. Ferry]
7. Art of aging and aging with art [A. Schopenhauer and C. Jung]
8. Gerontology: epistemic approach and interdisciplinary links
9. Current challenges of aging: between mystification and discrimination
Main Bibliography Mandatory reading
ARISTÓTELES, Acerca da alma, Lisboa: INCM, 2010
CÍCERO, Saber envelhecer, Porto Alegre: L&PM Pocket, 1997
HENRY Michel, «O pathos da vida vivida do vivente», in Du communisme au capitalisme. Theorie d’une catastrophe, Paris: Odile Jacob, 1990
JUNG Carl, «Forma comportamental e arquétipo; As etapas da vida humana; A alma e a morte», in A natureza da psique, Petrópolis: Vozes, 2000

Complementary consultation [focusing on aging]
FERREIRA A. Manuel (org.), A Luz de Saturno: Figurações da Velhice, Aveiro: DLC Universidade de Aveiro, 2005
FONSECA A. Manuel, Desenvolvimento humano e envelhecimento, Lisboa: Climepsi Editores, 2005
NAZARETH J. Manuel, Crescer e envelhecer: constrangimentos e oportunidades do envelhecimento demográfico, Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 2009
ROBERT Ladislas, O envelhecimento, Lisboa: Instituto Piaget, 1995
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The structure of each teaching session will be based on a pedagogical model designed to provide
1. a strongly expository theoretical dynamic
2. a markedly interactive practical dynamic
3. constant monitoring of the learning process [see criteria below]
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-11

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