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  4. International Relations in Asia

International Relations in Asia

Code 15679
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(45H)
Scientific area Relações Internacionais
Entry requirements non applicable
Learning outcomes This course has as its general aim the development of students’ analytical skills, enabling them to understand international relations in Asia in general. As a specific objective, it aims to analyze critically political, economic and social changes in Asia, as well as the dynamics between actors in the same regional area, particularly in the so-called “Far East” (China, Japan, Taiwan, South and North Korea) and Southeast Asia (Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, East Timor, Vietnam and Indonesia). In a comparative analysis, it will be given a particular focus on Chinese case, due to the changings in the balance of regional power and the interference of external actors.
Syllabus 1. International relations in Asia: historical synopsis
2. The great economic and political transformations in the Far East
3. Economic, social and political diagnosis of regional actors
4. The predominant institutional framework in Asia
5. Japan's role in the Far East
6. The rise of China and the regional balance of powers
7. China and the “Taiwan question”
8. Other actors in its relationship with Asia: the United States, India and Russia.
9. The “nuclear issue” and tensions in Korea.
Main Bibliography Joseph, William A. (ed.) (2014). Politics in China – An Introduction. Nova Iorque: Oxford University Press.
Overholt, William H. (2018), China's Crisis of Success. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Ringen, Stein (2016). The Perfect Dictatorship – China in the 21st Century. Hong Kong: HKU Press.
Ríos, Xulio (2016). China Moderna – Una Inmersión Rápida. Barcelona: Tibidabo Ediciones.
Silva, Jorge Tavares da, ed. (2015), BRICS e a Nova Ordem Internacional. Aveiro: Mare Liberum/Casal de Cambra: Caleidoscópio.
Spence, Jonathan (2012), The Search for Modern China. Nova Iorque: W. W. Norton & Company.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-12

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