Profile of the programme
The Master Degree aims at providing graduates consolidation and development opportunities of a solid, specialized and interdisciplinary training that enables them to learn, approach and interpret social, economic, political and institutional changes in an international context. It provides training that enables the postgraduate students to develop activities in organizations in international context (governmental, non-governmental, national and international, public and private, enterprises, associations, universities, among others) and in different domains (cooperation and development, international negotiation, economy and markets, human rights, peace operations and education, among others), to research in the knowledge field of international relations and to participate in the decision- making with experts of several areas. |
Key learning outcomes
Comprehends, analyzes and uses conceptual, theoretical, methodological and technical tools of advanced quantitative and qualitative analysis, in areas of specialized knowledge of International Relations.
Comprehends and interprets theoretical and empirical bibliography, presented in major publication outlets, of reference for the area of specialization.
Reveals critical thought as to the alternative arguments to contemporary issues in international context, namely in their areas of specialization.
Interprets and assesses facts and dynamics of the international context relevant to international organizations and uses coherent and integrated strategies in its approach.
Proceeds, with scientific rigor, to the integration of knowledge in the sociological, economic, political, institutional and historical areas, for the assessment of complex and practical issues, relevant to the international context and which must be addressed by the relevant organizations. |
Occupational profiles of graduates
The post-graduation training in International Relations is received by a significant variety of professional routes, economic sectors and organizations, from the different diplomatic activities to external services of industrial companies, banks and city halls. However, it is important to highlight that the opportunities of performing as senior staff in international and national organizations increase with the obtaining of a Master Degree and, more significantly, of a PhD. The following potential employers are highlighted:
- National central public administration institutions;
- European Union institutions (Council, Parliament, Commission and other of its support services);
- International governmental organizations;
- External relations services of the business sector of the State, public institutes, private companies, banks and other financial institutions and business associations;
- Non-governmental organizations, namely, the ones which work in domains of environment, humanitarian aid, international commercial and technological cooperation, international development and cooperation;
- External relations services of the regional and local administration;
- Consultancy institutions;
- Education Institutions;
- Media.
Learning facilities
Library International Relations students enjoy of two libraries: the Central Library and the Library of Social and Human Sciences Unit and of a European Documentation Centre. The Central Library, located in Pole I of the University, is compound by a 6000 m2 area that is divided in 5 floors, having 600 study places, where its users, academy and community, can enjoy its bibliographic resources, among which is the World Bank Fund. The Library of the Social and Human Sciences Unit, located in Pole IV, is compound by a 327 m2 area and 92 seated places, inclined to support first cycle degrees, master degrees and PhD degrees.
Online library The Documentation Services of the University of Beira Interior (SD/UBI) provide in their site in the Internet several electronic resources which are divided, essentially, in: databases, electronic magazines, subscribed by the University, namely of Oxford University Press, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, Springer, ISI Proceedings, ABI/INFORM, PROQUEST, or offered by other institutions, that can also be found on paper in the SD, other electronic magazines, which are not subscribed by the SD, with interest for students, teachers and investigators of the University, links with interest for the several investigation areas, an information spread service, which includes several electronic resources, such as, newsletters of several areas and a bibliographic bulletin of the SD/UBI with mensal actualization, where it is possible to find magazine issues, databases in CD-Rom, as well as, the most recent monographs.
Computer science centres The organic unit, where the Master Degree will work, has a computer science centre, classrooms and other spaces equipped with terminals, PC’s with internal network connection and with connection to the web and with software. All poles of the university have wireless network. In the university campus, where the Unit (pole IV) is located, is Covilhã Cybercentre with PC’s, Internet, printings and other audiovisual means services.
Moodle The University uses a digital platform - Moodle, which is a tool that allows the distance interaction of teachers-students and students-students and where didactical material to support subjects working, animated discussion forums and other activities are provided. |