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Methods Lab

Code 15687
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 2
Workload PL(15H)
Scientific area Relações Internacionais
Entry requirements NA
Learning outcomes The aim of the curricular unit is to develop skills in writing and disseminating academic and scientific work.
By the end of the course, students are expected to be able to adopt a critical, interpretative and ethical approach to writing and presenting academic and scientific work.
Syllabus I - Production of academic and scientific knowledge
II - Bibliographical references: research, writing and management
III - The literature review in the research process
IV - Dissemination of academic and scientific knowledge
V - Artificial intelligence, academic writing and ethics
Main Bibliography Almeida, F., Seixas, A., Gama, P. & Peixoto, P. (2015). A Fraude Académica no Ensino Superior em Portugal: um estudo sobre a ética dos alunos portugueses. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. DOI:
Becker, H. (2015). Truques da escrita: para começar e terminar teses, livros e artigos. Zahar.
Bryman, A. (2012). Social Research Methods. Oxford University Press.
Correia, A. e Mesquita, A. (2014), Mestrados & Doutoramentos. Estratégias para a elaboração de trabalhos científicos: o desafio da excelência (2a ed). Vida Económica.
Eco, U. (1998[1977]). Como se faz uma tese em ciências humanas. Presença.
Gastel, B. e Day, R.A. (2022). How to write and publish a scientific paper (9th ed.). Greenwood.
Greetham, B. (2001). How to Write Better Essays. Palgrave.
Huff, A.S. (1999). Writing for scholarly publication. Sage.
Lakatos, M. e Marconi, E. (2003). Fundamentos de Metodologia Científica (5a ed). Atlas.
Martin, E. 2018). Ler, escrever e publicar no mu
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria The syllabus will be developed in predominantly practical sessions involving a brief presentation and problematisation of the syllabus, usually using text or audio-visual material, and application work, reflection and discussion by students, either individually or in groups.
Assessment will include the following elements
- Participation in class and proposed activities (10%)
- Individual work (60%)
- Group work (30%)
The final mark will be the weighted average of the assessment elements.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-01-18

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