Main Bibliography |
1. Required reading: - Kalidas Shetty, Gopinadhan Paliyath, Robert E. Levin, "Food Biotechnology", Second Edition, Edited by Anthony Pometto, CRC press, 2005 - Perry Johnson-Green, "Introduction to Food Biotechnology", CRC press, 2002. - G.V.Barbosa-Cánovas, J. Welti-Chanes, E. Parada-Arias, "Food Engineering: Integrated Approaches; Edited by: G.F. Gutiérrez-López,Springer-Verlag, 2008". - H.-D. Belitz, W. Grosch, P. Schieberle, "Food Chemistry",4th edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009 - Nuclear and plastid genetic engineering of plants: Comparison of opportunities and challenges, Benjamin Meyers et al, Biotechnology Advances, 28: 747–756, 2010. - Animal transgenesis: state of the art and applications, Eduardo O. Melo et al, J Appl Genet 48(1), 47–61, 2007. - Genetically modified animals for use in research and biotechnology, L.M. Chaible et al, Genetics and Molecular Research 9 (3): 1469-82, 2010.
2. Recommended reading: - Scientific articles
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
The teacher makes the oral exposure of the different contents using audiovisual resources in the theoretical lectures. During classes students are stimulated to discuss the various themes with teacher and colleagues. In laboratory classes, students make oral presentations based on papers; experimental work, with the application of theoretical knowledge in the execution of techniques, data analysis, interpretation of results and solving problems. The following Student Assessment Criteria are proposed: 75%-T+ 25%-PL T- score of 4 partial written tests or final exam; PL- Presentation of scientific papers and reports discussion For approval, the classification of each component must be higher than 9.5.