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  3. Curso Avançado em Gestão para Organizações Sociais
  4. Programas de Financiamento Nacionais e Comunitários

Programas de Financiamento Nacionais e Comunitários

Code 15925
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 1
Workload TP(10H)
Scientific area Management
Entry requirements N/A
Learning outcomes To provide students with new knowledge about funding programs, empowering them with skills to search for lines of support for the various organizations of cultural, associative, sports and social nature.
To enable students to find alternative funding sources to more traditional instruments.
Syllabus 1. introduction of the course unit and contextualization of the curricular content
2. Framework of the structural funds
3. Chronology of the community frameworks
4. Thematic and regional operational programs
5. Steps for the realization of a project
6. The importance of understanding the difference between Linear Economy Vs Circular Economy
7. Eligibility Criteria
8. Stages when incentives are useful
9. Territorial division
10. Incentive typology
11. Financing Sources: Own Capital and Third Party Capital
Main Bibliography Recurso a casos práticos, análise de notícias e visitas a sítios institucionais.
EURICID (s.d.). Fundos Europeus 2021-2027. Consultado 02 de abril, 2023, em
Recuperar Portugal (2023). Consultado 02 de abril, 2023, em
Segurança Social (2023). Consultado 02 de abril, 2023, em
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2023-06-03

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