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  4. Unit Operations

Unit Operations

Code 16016
Year 3
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload PL(15H)/T(30H)/TP(15H)
Scientific area Industrial Chemistry
Entry requirements -
Learning outcomes In this CU it is intended that the student learn how to identify the different unit operations from the chemical industry, classify them based on physical-chemical principles and transport phenomena involved, know their design variables and calculation methodology.
At the end of the CU students should be able to:
1. Perform size analysis of particulate solids and understand the concept of Bond diameter.
2. Understand the movement of particles in a fluid and determine the settling rate.
3. Know the different types of filters and apply filtration basic equations.
4. Understand leaching and liquid-liquid extraction and write balances and equilibrium relations to determine the number of stages to achieve a specific yield.
5. Characterize gas-vapour systems and use psychrometric charts.
6. Understand vapour-liquid equilibrium and write equilibrium equations and mass balances to determine the number of theoretical plates in distillation or gas absorption columns.
Syllabus 1. Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering.
2. Operations with granular solids – Milling and sieving: form factor, medium and Bond diameters, sieving analysis, milling energy.
3. Solid-fluid separation – Sedimentation: basic equations for settling rate of large and small sized particles; Filtration: Filters type, filtration modes and basic equations.
4. Bleaching and Liquid-liquid extraction with immiscible solvents: Nomenclature, equilibrium equations and mass balances.
5. Humidification and drying: humidity indexes, wet and dry bulb temperatures, psychrometric charts, air conditioning.
6. Gas absorption and striping: Whitman theory, film coefficients, mass balances.
7. Distillation: liquid mixtures, activity coefficients and relative volatility, operation and equilibrium curves, placement of the feed plate, number of theoretical plates.
8. Preliminary design of a unit operation.
Main Bibliography M. Fátima Costa Farelo; Ana M. Carreira Lopes, "Processos de Separação", UBI, Covilhã.
Azbel, D.S.; N. Cheremisinoff, "Fluid Mechanics and Unit Operations", Ann Arbour Science, The Butterworth Group.
Coulson, J.M.; Richardson, J.F., "Tecnologia Química", vol. II (Operações Unitárias), F. Calouste Gulbenkian ed., Lisbon.
Coulson, J. M.; Richardson, J.F., "Tecnologia Química" , vol III, F. Calouste Gulbenkian ed., Lisbon.
Foust, A.S.; Wenzel, L.A., Clump, C.W.; Maus, L.; Andersen, L.B.; "Principles of Unit Operations".
Gomide, R.; "Operações Unitárias", 1 º volume (Operações com Sólidos Granulares).
Gomide, R.; "Operações Unitárias", 3 º volume (Separações Mecânicas).
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria TEACHING METHODOLOGIES
The teaching-learning activities consist of theoretical-practical lectures. The theoretical lectures are interactive, and exposure of matter aims to encourage the participation of students. In the theoretical-practical lessons where practical questions are to be solved, the teacher only guides the students with general comments and only gives theoretical explanations when a general difficulty in solving the proposed problem is observed.

Evaluation comprises 2 tests and/or 1 exam (80%) and oral presentation and defense of preliminary design of a unit operation (20%).
Students succeeded by frequency are dispensed from the exam.
To obtain frequency: Arithmetic mean of the 2 tests > 6 values and perform the project .
Approval by frequency: Weighted average of the 2 tests >/= 10, with a minimum of 6 in each test, and grade >/= 10 in the design of a unit operation.
Approval by Exam: Exam mark >/= 10 values and grade >/= 10 in the project.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-17

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