Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Industrial Chemistry
Entry requirements |
Learning outcomes |
In this CU it is intended that the student learn how to identify the different unit operations from the chemical industry, classify them based on physical-chemical principles and transport phenomena involved, know their design variables and calculation methodology. At the end of the CU students should be able to: 1. Perform size analysis of particulate solids and understand the concept of Bond diameter. 2. Understand the movement of particles in a fluid and determine the settling rate. 3. Know the different types of filters and apply filtration basic equations. 4. Understand leaching and liquid-liquid extraction and write balances and equilibrium relations to determine the number of stages to achieve a specific yield. 5. Characterize gas-vapour systems and use psychrometric charts. 6. Understand vapour-liquid equilibrium and write equilibrium equations and mass balances to determine the number of theoretical plates in distillation or gas absorption columns.
Syllabus |
1. Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering. 2. Operations with granular solids – Milling and sieving: form factor, medium and Bond diameters, sieving analysis, milling energy. 3. Solid-fluid separation – Sedimentation: basic equations for settling rate of large and small sized particles; Filtration: Filters type, filtration modes and basic equations. 4. Bleaching and Liquid-liquid extraction with immiscible solvents: Nomenclature, equilibrium equations and mass balances. 5. Humidification and drying: humidity indexes, wet and dry bulb temperatures, psychrometric charts, air conditioning. 6. Gas absorption and striping: Whitman theory, film coefficients, mass balances. 7. Distillation: liquid mixtures, activity coefficients and relative volatility, operation and equilibrium curves, placement of the feed plate, number of theoretical plates. 8. Preliminary design of a unit operation.
Main Bibliography |
M. Fátima Costa Farelo; Ana M. Carreira Lopes, "Processos de Separação", UBI, Covilhã. Azbel, D.S.; N. Cheremisinoff, "Fluid Mechanics and Unit Operations", Ann Arbour Science, The Butterworth Group. Coulson, J.M.; Richardson, J.F., "Tecnologia Química", vol. II (Operações Unitárias), F. Calouste Gulbenkian ed., Lisbon. Coulson, J. M.; Richardson, J.F., "Tecnologia Química" , vol III, F. Calouste Gulbenkian ed., Lisbon. Foust, A.S.; Wenzel, L.A., Clump, C.W.; Maus, L.; Andersen, L.B.; "Principles of Unit Operations". Gomide, R.; "Operações Unitárias", 1 º volume (Operações com Sólidos Granulares). Gomide, R.; "Operações Unitárias", 3 º volume (Separações Mecânicas).
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria |
TEACHING METHODOLOGIES The teaching-learning activities consist of theoretical-practical lectures. The theoretical lectures are interactive, and exposure of matter aims to encourage the participation of students. In the theoretical-practical lessons where practical questions are to be solved, the teacher only guides the students with general comments and only gives theoretical explanations when a general difficulty in solving the proposed problem is observed.
EVALUATION Evaluation comprises 2 tests and/or 1 exam (80%) and oral presentation and defense of preliminary design of a unit operation (20%). Students succeeded by frequency are dispensed from the exam. To obtain frequency: Arithmetic mean of the 2 tests > 6 values and perform the project . Approval by frequency: Weighted average of the 2 tests >/= 10, with a minimum of 6 in each test, and grade >/= 10 in the design of a unit operation. Approval by Exam: Exam mark >/= 10 values and grade >/= 10 in the project.
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.