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  4. Calculus III

Calculus III

Code 16146
Year 2
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Mathematics
Entry requirements N.A.
Learning outcomes This unit is an introduction to some fundamental mathematical methods in engineering: namely, differential equations, Laplace transforms, Fourier series and complex analysis.
Syllabus 1- Ordinary Differential Equations of first order.
2- Linear Ordinary Differential Equations of higher order.
3- Systems of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations.
4- Laplace transform and its applications.
5- Fourier Series with applications to Partial Differential Equations.
6- Fourier Transform; 7-An introduction to Complex Analysis
Main Bibliography 1 - R. Churchill, Operational Mathematics, McGraw-Hill.
2- R. Churchill and J. Brown, Complex Variables and Applications, McGraw-Hill.
3- W. Boyce and R. DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, Fourth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1986.
4--Teoria Elementar de Equações Diferenciais Ordinárias, F. Pestana da Costa, IST Press, 1998.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Classes are theoretical-practical, where after presenting the main results, they are illustrated with examples and exercises.
Students are provided with support sheets and exercises to work at home.

The Teaching-Learning Assessment consists of three tests, T1, T2 and T3, rated for 20 values.
The Teaching-Learning classification is calculated as follows EA=0.3*T1+0.35*T2+0.35*T3.

Students with EA greater than or equal to 9.5 and less than 17 are exempt from the exam and with a final grade EA; and those with an EA greater than or equal to 17 are invited to a supplementary test.

Students with EA less than 3 values are not admitted. Finalist students and student workers are Admitted to the Exam.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2025-01-10

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