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Research Methodologies in Arts

Code 16270
Year 1
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 15
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Artes
Entry requirements N. A.
Learning outcomes Provide students with the skills necessary to:
a) Understand the specificities of scientific writing and its ethical requirements.
b) Know the diversity of methodological approaches to an object of study.
c) Autonomously develop a proposal for a scientific research project in the field of arts research.
Syllabus 1. Introduction to scientific ethics;
1.1. Essential rules of scientific writing;
1.2. Dissemination of scientific production;
1.3. Referencing standards
1.4. Formatting and presentation: pre-textual, textual and post-textual
2. Research methods and techniques in Media Arts;
2.1. Phases of constructing a scientific investigation (delimitation of the topic, bibliographical survey, theoretical framework,
delimitation of the specific object, objectives and hypotheses, choice of methodologies);
2.2. Arts-based research
Main Bibliography ARCHER, B. (1995). The nature of research. Codesign, Interdisciplinary Journal of Design (January), 6–13.
BROUWER, J.; Mulder, A.; Nigten, A. (2005). Research and Development in Art. V2/NAI.
BROWN, T, et alli (2011). En torno a la investigación artística. MACBA/UAB.
FEYERABEND, P. (1988). Against Method. Verso
FRAYLING, C. (1993). Research in Art and Design. Royal College of Art.
JÄRVINEN, P.(2004). On a variety of research output types. University of Tampere.
KNOWLES, G.J. (2008). Handbook of the arts in qualitative research: Perspectives, methodologies, examples, and issues (511-525). Sage.
LEAVY, P. (2009). Art meets method: Arts-based research practice. Guilford Press.
ROSE, G. (2001). Visual methodologies: an introduction to the interpretation of visual materials, Sage.
SILBERBERGER, J. Ed. (2022). Against and for Method: Revisiting Architectural Design as Research. gta Verlag
SULLIVAN, G. (2005). Art practice as research: Inquiry in the visual arts. Sage.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Classes will discuss the points of the program and case studies of the application of concepts and different methodologies brought by the teacher and/or guests. In the second part of the semester, students will present their pre-projects. Given the eminently formative and teleological character, the evaluation consists of the assessment of the thesis pre-project, taking into account the mastery of the concepts and subjects presented, and considers the degree of satisfaction of the objectives, the quality of the fulfillment of the tasks, the perception that the student reveals these factors, progression and attendance.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.


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Paulo Cunha


Media Arts
Last updated on: 2024-10-01

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