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  4. Marketing Digital Aplicado às Organizações

Marketing Digital Aplicado às Organizações

Code 16375
Year 1
Semester L0
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Management
Entry requirements 1. You must be at least 23 years old. 2. Have knowledge of the language in which the course will be taught (Portuguese). 4. Be a resident in Portugal.
Learning outcomes -Use available digital platforms to promote products, services and ideas;
-Design digital marketing campaigns according to the strategic objectives defined for the organization;
-Understand the consumer journey and implement actions targeted to their needs and desires.
-Create content for the digital environment according to the needs of consumers;
Syllabus 1. Consumer Journey
2. Content Marketing
3. Email marketing
4. Influencer Marketing and Social Networking
5. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
6. PPC (Pay-Per-Click) + Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads
Main Bibliography Baptista, D. & Costa, P. (2021). Marketing Digital: Conteúdos vencedores, Lidel.
Chaffey, D., Smith, P. R. (2017). Digital Marketing Excellence – Planning, Optimizing and Integrating Online Marketing (5th Ed.). New York: Routledge.
Charlesworth, A. (2018). Digital Marketing: A Practical Approach. London: Routledge.
Hollensen, S; Kotler, P. & Opresnik, M.( 2023). Social Media Marketing: Expanda o seu Negócio, 5.ª ed., Lidel
Kotler, P. ; Kartajaya, H. & Setiawan, I. (2017). Marketing 4.0: Mudança do tradicional para o digital. Lisboa: Conjuntura Actual Editora.
Kotler, P.; Armstrong, G.; Harris, L. & He, H. (2020). Principles of Marketing, 8Th European Edition. UK: Pearson Education Limited.
Looy, A.V. (2016). Social Media Management: Technologies and Strategies for Creating Business Value. Switzerland: Springer
Stokes, R. (2018). eMarketing: the essential guide to marketing in a digital world (6th Ed). Cape Town: The Red & Yellow Creative School of Business.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-20

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