Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
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Scientific area |
Design de Moda
Entry requirements |
It is considered important that the student has been approved in most of the previous CUs or at least one UC of History, Drawing, Tailoring and Modeling and the UC of Design and Project Methodology.
Mode of delivery |
Classroom teaching.
Work placements |
Not applicable
Learning outcomes |
1) Be sensitive to the aesthetic appreciation of colors in order to perceive this element as a semantic tool of design. 2) Know and apply chromatic harmonies to suit surfaces, contexts, audiences, cultures and / or sensations; 3) Understand and apply the various phases of the design process of fashion / product collection design with specific briefing and real audience. 4) To be able to choose, develop and communicate each of the phases in due detail (materials, themes, illustrations, technical sheets, etc.). 5) Create a habit of collecting information through constant research and from credible sources in order to seek appropriate and creative solutions; 6) Be able to defend the inspiration that led to the choice of a specific theme and the entire development of the project in a coherent way; 7) Exercise the ability to find design solutions for problems related to material restrictions and other resources in a perspective of maximum performance by and for sustainability.
Syllabus |
Divided into 2 MODULES: COLOR Studies: Notebook 1 (principles and fundamentals of color on the surface); Notebook 2 (awareness and cultural relations); Notebook 3 (chromatic harmonies) PROJECT: Integrated to the "Xi-Coração Little Project" with theoretical basis fostered in design and sustainability and in the appreciation of the socio-cultural context and material culture; 1. Study the creative strategies of sustainable design related to UC Sustainability in Fashion; 2. Submersion to the aesthetics of cultural frontier, traditional and contemporary, to collect themes; 2. Approach to the phases of a fashion design project (mood boards, analysis target public, selection of colors, materials, textures and technologies; realization of three-dimensional experiments and confection) to create a creative proposal and consistent with the briefing. 3. Graphic / visual representation of the project: illustrations, technical files, graphic design and photo editorial information.
Main Bibliography |
ALLEN, Anne Seaman. 2003 Julien Fashion Drawing – The Basic Principles Ed. B.T. Batsford BAKSTER. 1998. Projeto de Produto. São paulo: editora Edgard Blucher Ltda. BLAU, Herbert. Nothing in itself: Complexions of Fashion. BLACK,Sandy. 2008. Eco-Chic: The Fashion Paradox.Black Dog Publishing. JONES, Sue Jenkyn. 2002.Fashion Design. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd. NOROGRANDO, Rafaela. 2020. Cores & Design. Cadernos 1 a 3. UBI-Serviços gráficos. SANCHES, Maria C. F. 2017. Moda e projeto. Estratégias metodológicas em design. São Paulo: Estação das Letras e Cores websites: The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Victoria and Albert Museum: Google Arts & Culture: Journals: Fashion Theory and Fashion Practice, Dobra[s], Moda Palavra, Iara. Revistas: View, Vogue Francesa, Sport & Street,Collezione, Fashion Report
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.