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Mathematics III

Code 16475
Year 2
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Mathematics
Entry requirements Not Applicable
Mode of delivery Face to face.
Work placements Not applicable.
Learning outcomes This curricular unit aims to provide and develop student’s capacity for logical thinking, understanding and use methods and knowledge of mathematical analysis to allow its application in solving problems.
At the end of the course the student should be able to identify, classify, analyze and solve differential equations. The student must know the concept of numerical series and power series and learn applications of these concepts. It should also be able to classify and solve difference equations.
Syllabus 1. Series
2. Difference equation.
3. Systems of Difference equation.
4. Z Transform.
5. Ordinary differential equations;
6. Systems of linear differential equations
7. Laplace Transform
8. Applications to the economy
Main Bibliography Main Bibliography
-Stewart, James, (2016), Calculus, (EUA: Cengage Learning)
-Sydsaeter, Knut; Hammond, Peter & Strom, Arne, (2012), Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, (RU: Pearson Education Limited).
-Bradley, Teresa & Patton, Paul (2003), Essential Mathematics for Economics and Business, (EUA: John Wiley and Sons)
-Pires, Cesaltina, (2010), Cálculo para Economia e Gestão, Escolar Editora.
-Biivar, A, Equações diferenciais. Uma introdução. Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa. 2ª Edição, 2000.
- Ferreira, J. Campos, Introdução à Análise Matemática , Fundação Caloust Gulbenkian, 1997.
Teaching Methodologies and Assessment Criteria Continuous assessment will be done by:
• two written tests, to be held on october 28, 2024 and
• 6 January 2025 (from 6 pm to 8 pm);
•six mini-tests to be performed on the computer .
The first written test will have the quotation of 8 values and the second written exam the quotation of 9 values.
Each quiz, lasting from 20 to 30 minutes, will be priced at 0.5 value.
The final classification (FC) of the teaching-learning process will be given according to the following formula:
CF = P1 + P2 + MT
where P1 and P2 are the marks obtained in the written tests and MT is the sum of the marks obtained in the 6 mini-tests.
Students with a final grade greater than or equal to 10 (after rounding) are approved.
Students who have a minimum final grade of 5 points (after rounding) and at least 70% of class attendance are admitted to the exam.
Even students already pass continuous assessment
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2025-01-15

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