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Public Economics and Finance

Code 16490
Year 3
Semester S1
ECTS Credits 6
Workload TP(60H)
Scientific area Economics
Entry requirements Not applicable
Learning outcomes • Understand the theoretical foundations of the state's role in the economy;
• Encouragement of critical perspective, a political-economic perspective on the advantages and disadvantages of state intervention in the economy;
• Analysis of tax systems and taxes in Portugal;

• Understand the economic theory behind economy and public finances
• Reading and understanding reports
• Conduct economic studies on the economy and public finances
Syllabus Introduction
CHAPTER I - Public economy and finance
1.1 Economics and public finance: a political-economic approach
1.2 Normative and positive analysis
1.3 State Intervention
1.4 Asymmetric information
1.5 Externalities and public policies

CHAPTER II - Budget Federalism and Decentralization
2.1 Government structure and fiscal federalism
2.2 Regional and local finance
2.3 Efficiency and equity

CHAPTER III - Financing of Public Administrations and taxation
3.1 Public administration
3.2 Tax systems: progressivity and proportionality
3.3 The national tax system

CHAPTER IV - State Budget
4.1 Historical notes
4.2 State Budget
4.3 Analysis of the regular budget proposal
4.4 Social Security
4.5 Deficit and public debt

CHAPTER V - Budget Policy
5.1 Overview of fiscal policy
5.2 Components of fiscal policy and multipliers
5.3 Budgetary policy in the European Union
5.4 The European Union budget
Main Bibliography CADILHE, Miguel (2005), O Sobrepeso do Estado em Portugal. Uma proposta de reforma conceitual e administrativa, Fubu Editores S.A., Porto
CAMÕES, P. J. (2006), “Análise da Evolução das Finanças Locais Portuguesas” in Estudo e Ensino da Administração Pública em Portugal, Escolar Editora
CULLIS, John, e JONES, Philip (1998), Public Finance and Public Choice, 2ª ed., Oxford
FERNANDES, A. L. C, (2010), A Economia das Finanças Públicas, Almedina Coimbra
MOURA, J. P. e FERNANDES, R. S. (2000), A reforma fiscal inadiável, Celta Editora, Oeiras
PEREIRA, Paulo T. et al, (2012), Economia e Finanças Públicas, 4ª ed., Escolar Editora, Lisboa
PEREIRA, Paulo T. et al, (2012), Economia e Finanças Públicas: da Teoria à Prática, 3ª ed., Almedina, Coimbra
PINTO, Ana C. e SANTOS, PAULA G. (2005), Gestão Orçamental Pública, Publisher Team, Lisboa
SOUSA FRANCO, A., (1997), Finanças Públicas e Direito Financeiro, Volume I, Almedina, Coimbra
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-01-25

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