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  4. New Interfaces Paradigms

New Interfaces Paradigms

Code 16534
Year 1
Semester S2
ECTS Credits 6
Workload OT(15H)/TP(45H)
Scientific area Design
Entry requirements N/A
Mode of delivery Face-to-face instruction.
Work placements Not applicable.
Learning outcomes The main objetives of the course are to get to know and understand the new interface paradigms and explore the relashioship between interfaces and interactivity.
To understand the relationship between interface and interactivity and its relationship with the human nervous system.
To explore, contextualize and problematize the paradigm of natural interfaces.
To creatively investigate and develop languages of communication, narratives and metaphores for natura interaction and interfaces.
To develop a reflective view on the importance of the interfaces in the humanization of technologies.
To Implement prototypes of natural interaction.
Syllabus Interdisciplinary study of the interface: concepts, taxonomies, paradigms, and applications. Natural interfaces: origins, history, social impact, recreational aspects, critical valuation and contributions to human-computer interaction. The case of tangible user interfaces and tangible interaction. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. Analysis and discussion of interdisciplinary projects with advanced multimedia interfaces. Design and implementation of interaction/interface models/prototypes holistically integrating the concepts and technologies learned throughout the course.
Main Bibliography ACKERMAN, D.: A Natural History of the Senses, Vintage Books, 1990.
BUXTON, B.: Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design (InteractiveTechnologies), Morgan kaufmann, 2007.
GRAU, O. (ed.): MediaArtHistories, The MIT Press, 2007.
GRAU, O.: Virtual Art, from Illusion to Immersion, The MIT Press, 2003.
KRUEGER, M.: Artificial Reality II, Addison-Wesley, 1992.
LAUREL, B. (ed.): Art of Human-Computer Interface Design, Addison-Wesley, 1990.
NORMAN, D.: The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition, Basic Books, 2013.
MOGGRIDGE, B.: Designing Interactions, The MIT Press, 2007.
SAFFER, D.: Designing for Interaction, New Riders, 2008.
SAFFER, D.: Designing Gestural Interfaces, O’Reilly, 2009.
SOMMERER, C., MIGNONNEAU, L., KING, D. (eds.): Interface Cultures, Artistic Aspect of Interaction, Transcript Verlag, 2008.
WILSON, S.: Information Arts: Intersections of Art, Science, and Technology, The MIT Press, 2002.
Language Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.
Last updated on: 2024-06-04

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