Code |
Year |
Semester |
ECTS Credits |
Workload |
Scientific area |
Arts and Humanities
Entry requirements |
It doensn´t have.
Learning outcomes |
To develop oral and written skills, in their understanding, expression and production aspects in Portuguese Language. At the end of the semester, the student should be able to: - produce oral and written statements, adapting them to different communicative situations. - to acquire techniques for planning and preparing various textual typologies; - critically analyze different types of statements; - adapt the Portuguese language to professional and personal needs; - prepare practical work where the application of acquired knowledge is evident. - prepare an academic work, using the knowledge acquired.
Syllabus |
Approach to general concepts. The Portuguese Language in the World. I. Written expression 1. The Word, the sentence, the paragraph, the text. 1.1. From simple sentences to complex sentences (constituents of sentences): brief reflections. 1.1.1. Complex Sentence: coordination and subordination. 1.2. Evolution of the Portuguese language – Portuguese Language Spelling Agreement of 1990. 1.3. Treatment of the most common problems in the Portuguese language (punctuation, mainly comma placement, spelling problems, difficulties with spelling records, ways of adapting foreign words, lexical creation and renewal). 1.4 Specificities regarding the oral performance.
2. Textual typologies and discursive genres. 2.1. School texts - summary (most relevant superstructural characteristics). 2.2. The scientific text: II. Oral expression 1. Particularities of oral speech. 2. Eloquence and oratory: rules for public speaking. 3. Modalities of oral communication.
Main Bibliography |
CAVAZZA, N. (2001). Como comunicar e persuadir: na publicidade, na política, na informação e nas relações pessoais, trad. de Eduardo Nogueira. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. CUNHA, C. & CINTRA, L. (2002). Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo, 17.ª ed. Lisboa: Edições Sá da Costa. MARTINS, Ana (2009). “Erros na produção escrita – Estratégias de superação” (Formação no Semanário Sol, dirigida aos jornalistas, a 23 de Julho de 2009). Disponível em [acedido a 20-09-2015]. GRADIM, A. (2000), Manual de Jornalismo. Livro de Estilodo Urbi et orbi. Covilhã: Universidade da Beira Interior. Disponivel em [acedido a 10-09-2011]. LUÍS, A. A. C., LUÍS, C. S. G. X. & OSÓRIO, P. (Org.) (2016). A Língua Portuguesa no Mundo: passado, presente e futuro. Lisboa: Edições Colibri e Universidade da Beira Interior. L
Language |
Portuguese. Tutorial support is available in English.